Friday, December 6, 2024

Trump's Not Even Been Sworn In And Look What Is Happening...

    After years of exaggerated Brazilian butt lifts, ballooning breast implants and over-done facial filler, the pendulum is swinging back to center, according to plastic surgeons who are predicting a “year of great deflation” in 2025.

    In what has now been dubbed the “De-Kardashian-ification of America” — a reference to the infamous curves flaunted by the A-list family — aesthetics patients are now reversing BBLs, removing implants and dissolving injectables in favor of a slender, more natural build, a stark contrast to the once-trendy caricature of the female form.


  1. "You just wait until your father comes home."

    1. Pretty much. Isaiah warned that societies in decline will be cursed to be ruled by women and children, and that has certainly been the case in the United States.


Gel Test: 9mm HST vs. Gold Dot

Two primary differences. First, the HST had an average velocity of 1128 fps where as the Gold Dot was only 1087 fps. Second, and perhaps rel...