Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Review of the J-Strip and J-Clip from Zeta-6

The company Zeta-6 sent a couple products to Justin, the Revolver Guy, to review: the J-strip (similar to the familiar speed strip) and a J-clip (a cross between a speed strip and speed loader). As the names suggest, both products are intended for S&W J-frame revolvers. Justin found the J-clip to be faster than a speed strip and more concealable than a speed loader, and so perhaps a good compromise for some people. He did, however, have one problem, which is when stripping the J-clip off the cartridges, it would sometime fling one of the cartridges. 4 is better than none, but when you only have 5 rounds to start with, you can't afford to lose one of those rounds.


  1. Thanks for referencing The Revolver Guy's review of the two Zeta6 speedloaders. The rubber material used for our speedloaders is, by design, about 10% softer than on other speedstrips. So when using the tap instead of holding the body, you could drop a round from J-Strip. But with just a little practice or by holding the strip body when stripping the speedloader from the rounds, you shouldn't ever drop a round.

    We wanted to leave the tab off of J-Strip, but it is helpful to tell which end of the strip has two rounds and which has only one. We solved this with the new symmetrical J-series strip called Sym-Strip that is launching at Shot Show.

    Thanks again.
    Michael - Zeta6

    1. Thanks for your comment. I'm eager to see more about the Sym-Strip.


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