To the extent that Bane's suggesting people should just shut up about racial issues that don't advance the current Leftist narrative, I would direct your attention to an article by Jared Taylor on the topic of "Why There Will be More Payton Gendrons." I suggest reading the whole thing, but the important concept he raises is that "[t]errorists kill when they believe every non-violent alternative has been closed off. They reject politics because they think the system is rigged. Being silenced does not mean abandoning deeply held convictions; it means acting outside of politics." In other words, political correctness and shutting down discourse on race is what creates people like the Buffalo shooter. That is, going back to Bane's comments, telling people they can't openly discuss and debate the fruits of multiculturalism is what results in people going to the dark corners of the Internet and say something like "all [fill in the blank] should be killed."
The Left, the MSM and Bane, apparently, blame the shooting on "white supremacy" but what does that mean? For most people, when they hear the term, they probably think of Democrats wearing white robes and peaked hats or German socialists with black uniforms and funny walks. But, as I've reported time and again, the Left and the MSM have so expanded the term that it has come to mean anyone that does not embrace Cultural Marxism and its bastard progeny Social Justice. Thus, if you believe that mathematics should be taught in public schools, you are a white supremacist. If you think proper grammar and spelling is important, you are a white supremacist. If you believe people should show up on time for work, you're a white supremacist. If you think Shakespeare should be required study for an English major, you're a white supremacist. Like classical music? You're a white supremacist. Celebrate Thanksgiving? You're a white supremacist. Want to move out of a sketchy neighborhood to the suburbs? You're a white supremacist. Think that kids shouldn't dress like prison bitches? You're a white supremacist. Are you white and a Christian? You're a white supremacist. Are you a conservative white male? My God! You should be dead!
So when you hear someone say that the way to prevent any future mass shootings is to tackle white supremacy, you might want to consider whether that person is using the term as you do.
Do you like indoor plumbing and electric lights? You're a white supremacist.