Friday, August 2, 2019

Scott Bach: "What’s REALLY Going On Inside NRA Operations" (Updated and Bumped))

Bach, an NRA boardmember, has published an op-ed at Ammo Land that paints a very different picture of what is happening.

Update: Herschel Smith calls B.S. on Bach's op-ed. Also, per Ammo Land, "NRA Board Members’ Maloney, Knight, Schneider Resign From NRA-BOD." Their resignation letter reads, in part:
Over the past several months, there have been numerous, highly- publicized allegations of impropriety leveled against the Association and certain members of its executive leadership team. In exercising our oversight responsibilities as Board Members, we have sought information and requested certain actions be taken with respect to these allegations, only to be rebuffed at every turn. We had expected – or at least hoped— that the executive leadership team would recognize the seriousness of these allegations and work with us in a constructive and transparent manner to address our concerns and minimize any further harm to the Association. Instead, we have been stonewalled, accused of disloyalty, stripped of committee assignments and denied effective counsel necessary to properly discharge our responsibilities as Board members.

1 comment:

  1. Just like us. We're all immigrants. Otherwise strawberries would cost more!
    (arguments I've actually heard)


Weekend Reading

 First up, although I'm several days late on this, Jon Low posted a new Defensive Pistolcraft newsletter on 12/15/2024 . He includes thi...