Thursday, December 20, 2018

POTD: Wreck of the S.S. American Star

Source: "15 Amazing Shipwrecks, Boat Graveyards and Abandoned Vessels Across the World" The article notes that pounding of the waves has smashed the ship into just a pile of rusting metal.


  1. I was a passenger on her from New York to Bremmerhaven in December 1959. Such a sad end for such a great ship. Her sister ship was the SS United States, which held at that time the record for the fastest North Atlantic crossing.

    1. Thank you for the comment. Apparently the SS United States still holds her record. (


Did We Win The Cultural War?

Rudyard Lynch of Whatifalthist has a new video up in which he discusses many of the reasons that the Left has failed and why he thinks that ...