Sunday, December 23, 2018

December 23, 2018 -- A Quick Run Around the Web

There are a lot of ways that you could end up falling on your butt during a gunfight. This video demonstrates a couple methods of getting back up on your feet while still being able to use your handgun.

On the short side, it quoted the North American Electric Reliability Corporation which said, “blackouts that originate in the transmission grid in the absence of substantial equipment damage are generally restored within three days and often much sooner.” 
On the longer end, it quoted an insurance industry report that warned of a blackout “lasting between 16 days and two years” and impacting “20 million to 40 million people.”
       ... in the next 100 years, do you, in your heart, think that there will still be rifles made in .30-06 or 6.5 Creedmoor? .300 WSM? 6mm Creedmoor? .224 Valkyrie? I dare say that the .45-70 will outlast them all save the .30-06. Why is that?
           The answer is simple in that the .30-06 works as well as it did on day one, with day one being 1906 (earlier, if you count the .30-03, the first version of the cartridge). The beginner has something special with the .30-06 in that it’s an extremely well-rounded and versatile cartridge that allows one to experience the entire world of riflecraft without ever having to look elsewhere.
            It’s a jack-of-all-trades…and master of all, unlike so many pretenders. 
      • Related: "Should You Buy a .338 Lapua Rifle?"--The Truth About Guns. As you probably know, the .338 Lapua was specifically developed for long range military sniper. Its advantages? "[M]ost gaming rounds like 6.5mm and 6mm Creedmoor are put to shame by the .338, but have advantages in terms of recoil and cost. A competitor with money to burn would outclass most others by using the .338 Lapua." Barrel life is supposed to be much higher than the 6.5 and 6 mm Creedmore. The disadvantages are cost (both for the hardware and for ammunition) and recoil. The author is blunt, however, that most civilians will never take advantage of the long range capabilities of the caliber. He concludes: "The .338 Lapua rifle is a status symbol for many and is usually a safe queen as a result. I have seen what it can do as compared to smaller calibers, but I fail to see what it does better for the price given that you could afford both a long range gaming caliber rifle like 6mm Creedmoor and a .300 Win Mag for hunting for substantially less cost than one .338 Lapua rifle."
              I was unable to get more that two or three rounds to fire without some sort of a failure. Failure to eject, failure to feed, failure to fire the round, every second or third shot something didn't work.
               The accuracy is probably on a par with a blunderbuss, but not likely that it's any better than that. By looking at the targets, it was obvious that at ten yards the bullets were often tumbling end over end. Not conducive to accuracy! Sometimes, however, the shot went exactly as aimed, but often as much as six inches off, even from the bench rest. If you ever have to fire a Jennings for self-defense, I would recommend having the muzzle in direct contact with what you are shooting at!
            However, one of his readers took umbrage at this, having had better experience with the pistol. These are the type of handgun that fall squarely in the definition of a "Saturday Night Special"--it is cheap and cheaply made (in this case, from a zinc alloy). 
            • "Where To Get Medical Supplies"--American Partisan. Some tips on finding certain supplies for SHTF: where to get antibiotics, IV kits, inexpensive sources for self-adhering bandages (Co-Flex). He also has some advice on whether to put together your own kits versus buying pre-made kits, and using coupons to buy items at discount.
            • " .308 Win Ammo Review"--Armory Blog. The author accuracy tests some different bulk ammo from in his SCAR 17. Best performance (i.e., tightest groups) was from the American Eagle (FMJBT 150-grain). Surprisingly, Tula steel case also did very well. Remember that this is with one rifle and performance can vary between different rifles.
            • "Guns For Beginners: How to Zero Your Rifle in One Shot (Or Almost)"--The Truth About Guns. The author is constantly putting optics on loaner rifles and describes his method for quickly zeroing a rifle at 100 yards, which is to literally bore-sight the rifle: remove the bolt, look through the bore and get it lined up with your 100 yard target, then adjust the cross-hairs on the scope to match. Fire a shot and adjust. The main point is that you must be able to keep the rifle in place while you adjust your telescopic sight, which will require some sort of steady rest like a lead sled.
            • "What Do I Say After a Shooting?"--Active Response Training. There is so much debate about this and everyone has an opinion. Greg Ellifritz is a police officer, so his opinion is worth more than most. And like all actual experts, his answer is, essentially, it depends:
                      The police questioning process is a balancing act.  You don’t want to provide statements that may later turn out to be incorrect.  You also don’t want to provide evidence against yourself.  But your case would be strengthened if you could point out evidence that is in your favor and if you could provide a description of your attacker so that we can arrest him.  You are on the tightrope.
                       Most people err in providing TOO MUCH information to the police.  That’s why there are so many experts instructing armed citizens to “say nothing” to responding police officers.  Saying nothing is BETTER than saying too much but it may not be the BEST course of action.
                  He cites Mas Ayoob's advice on the topic and summarizes:
                           Saying something like “Officer, this man attacked me and I had to shoot him.  I would like to file charges against him.” is probably a good start.  Follow Ayoob’s checklist by pointing out evidence, witnesses and suspects.  In particular, be sure to document any injury you have (however minor).  That evidence will be extremely useful in proving your position if you get charged.
                             After you do that, SHUT UP!  The officer will continue asking questions.  That’s his job.  You don’t have to answer.  Not incriminating yourself is your job.
                               Sprouts are not just a hippie fad food, good people. They really are bursting with nutrition. You see, the plant’s intent was to supply it’s little offspring with everything they would need to make a start in the world by packing it all into those little seeds. There’s more minerals per ounce in plant seed than any other food I know. 
                                Then, once the plant embryo is awakened by the water and starts to grow, the first thing it does is manufacture itself a load of vitamins and other essential nutrients. There’s very few calories in sprouts, but there’s a whole boatload of micronutrients.
                                   There’s also green, and a bit of crunch, and a fresh taste. Your mileage may vary, but many people find those very welcome after a bit on a ‘prepper food’ diet.
                              The author goes on to discuss how to sprout sprouts.

                              You have probably seen discussions of what was the star that marked the Lord's birth and trying to use it to calculate the year that He was born. This is a different take that relies on a conjunction of Jupiter and Venus in the constellation of Virgo the Virgin in August of 1 B.C. He justifies his selection using various scriptures (albeit, a couple of them are from Revelation). If this is a topic that interests you, however, it's worth your time.
                              • The wages of sin socialism: "Desperate women fleeing Venezuela sell hair, breast milk, sex to get by"--Fox News. Key point: "Without passports or work permits, the Venezuelans – many with university degrees or decent jobs in what was once the wealthiest nation in Latin America – are now resorting to whatever it takes to survive."
                              • "Loud and proud complementarians: No more taboos."--Dalrock. He writes: "Rachel Gilson at The Gospel Coalition is preparing a space for loud and proud gays in the conservative church.  The first step of course is to give gays trusted access to our children[.]" The bulk of the article discusses Gilson's argument that Christians need to overcome the "taboo" and "shame" associated with homosexuality. Dalrock notes: "The unspoken assumption in all of this is that taboos are unChristian, and if we destroy them nothing bad will happen.  As Larry Kummer says, social justice warriors are like monkeys at the controls of a nuclear power plant, furiously spinning the dials with little understanding of the machinery."
                              • Related: "Gay SF pastor arrested on child porn charges"--Bay Area Reporter. "A gay San Francisco pastor, who has historically fought for gay rights in the Lutheran Church, was arrested on charges of possession of child pornography, according to the San Francisco Police Department."
                                       Four migrants had attempted to take over the Italian ship off the Kent coast, demanding the vessel be moved nearer the shore so they could swim to Britain. 
                                        Around 25 members from X Squadron of the Special Boat Service (SBS) - sister regiment to the SAS - were then deployed and stormed the ship as it sailed in the Thames Estuary. 
                                  • "Princeton student groups: Menstruation isn’t just a women’s issue"--The College Fix. Rectal bleeding is not "menstruation."
                                  • "CHECKMATE – Saudi Crown Prince MbS Sends Replacement Troops To Defend Kurds in Syria…"--Last Refuge. I noted the other day that one of the reasons for the U.S. withdrawing from Syria is that Trump had received commitments from other regional players that they would finish off ISIS and stymie Iranian ambitions. One of the concerns with the decision is whether Turkey would take the opportunity to attack the Kurds. But the author of this piece thinks not: "[R]emember Turkish President Recep Erdogan was the antagonist in the Kashoggi matter and Erdogan orchestrated the blame toward Saudi Crown Prince MbS.   There is no better motivated mid-east ally to protect the Kurds against any military action by Turkey other than MbS.  No doubt MbS and UAE will send their best forces"
                                  • Related: "Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia join forces against Iran in Syria"--Cleveland Jewish News. Key point: "According to the terms of the understanding, Russia will continue to give Israel the freedom to strike Hezbollah and Iranian targets and weaponry that threaten the “balance of power” in Syria. According to the Jordanian official, it was these understandings between Trump and Putin that paved the way for the U.S. decision to pull its forces from Syria."
                                           However, the president went off-script during the call, agreeing with Erdogan when he asked POTUS, “Why are you still there?” since the Islamic State (ISIS) had been 99 percent decimated. Erdogan said his military could easily take care of the remaining 1 percent remnant of ISIS.
                                            At that point, POTUS stumped Bolton, who was “forced to admit” Erdogan’s point.
                                             “We have a terrible problem. We have people committing suicide for no other reason than being forced to stop opioids, pain medication, for chronic pain,” said Thomas Kline, a North Carolina family doctor and former Harvard Medical School program administrator.
                                               “It’s mass hysteria, a witch hunt. It’s one of the worst health care crises in our history,” said Kline, who has 26,000 Twitter followers, and a website where he publishes the names of those who he said committed suicide after having their opioids cut back or eliminated. “There are five to seven million people being tortured on purpose.”
                                                 The CDC doesn’t have numbers of those who commit suicide after having their pain medications cut. But most of the doctors who spoke to Fox News said they knew of between one and six patients who took their life after losing access to opioid treatment, and being turned away from other doctors who now see prescription painkillers as a hassle.
                                                   Several prominent doctors and pain patient advocacy organizations said they have heard from hundreds who say they have been left in debilitating pain and are considering suicide. The issue earlier this year came to the attention of Human Rights Watch, which launched an investigation.
                                             The increase in suicides will, of course, be attributed to "gun violence."


                                            Political Violence Up

                                            Violence is inherent in leftist politics, as exemplified by Communists being the most prolific mass murderers in human history. It has to do...