Wednesday, January 25, 2017

January 25, 2017 -- A Quick Run Around the Web

"Does 12ga birdshot behave just like a slug at close range?" by The Chopping Block. The answer is "no" because it still lacks penetration. See also "Does Birdshot Turn Into a Slug at Close Range?" by Home Defense Gun, which discusses the video, above, and delves into the issue more deeply.


Other Stuff:
     A laptop discarded by the terror network behind the Brussels and Paris attacks revealed how they had links with top ISIS commanders in Syria - and were planning another attack.
         The computer was found two hours after a team of ISIS suicide bombers murdered 32 people at Brussels Airport and on the city's Metro system on March 22 last year.
           Files painstakingly retrieved from the laptop, belonging to one of the airport suicide bombers, Najim Laachraoui, show how the unit had been in contact with bomb-making experts in Syria.
      Al Gore had predicted, in his highly disproven Inconvenient Truth, that we had only ten years to figure out the climate change disaster, before the sea levels engulfed the coasts and the temperatures rose so much that we would all face annihilation. That was over ten years ago. So, while at the Sundance Film Festival, Gore was confronted about this "ten year" lie, and he dodged the question. Not only did he dodge it, but he did so while getting into a gas-guzzling SUV in the middle of a snowy winter.
             Study participants were given a treatment of antibiotics, a bowel cleanse, and daily fecal microbial transplants over an eight-week period.
               The study showed an average of 80 percent improvement in gastrointestinal symptoms common in people with autism and a 20 to 25 percent improvement in certain autism behaviors including social skills and sleep habits.
                 ... For hundreds of years, American society has proudly embraced the conceit that other citizens can say things that shock us, disgust us, infuriate us, even say things that we believe are fundamentally dangerous, but we will not retaliate outside of the law. Crazier yet, those who most strongly believe in democracy have often gone out of their way to defend the rights of those who would dismantle it, having faith in the strength of their fellow citizens’ convictions to prevent the unthinkable. Spencer had every right to spout his beliefs unmolested, no matter how evil or sick.
                   I made a miscalculation earlier today. I suspected that many of the people cheering Spencer’s attack did so innocently, and by minimizing the assault– that is, they think that’s okay to hit him but not go much further than that. I made a pretty simple point on Twitter: even a single punch can disable or kill a man, and therefore Spencer’s attacker conceivably could have killed him.
                     The tweet took off, and not in a good way. Literally hundreds of people responded, all saying that they would have loved if the attacker had killed Spencer. Some went further, calling for the extrajudicial killing of all Nazis.

                  * * *

                         It was an eye-opening reaction. The reason I penned the tweet was because I thought the liberal consensus that serves as the bedrock of the American society was intact. I had this whole spiel planned about how if we as a society endorse violence against one Nazi, we’re responsible if it leads to worse violence, maybe even murder, where do you draw the line, blah blah blah. I thought it was more or less self-evident that you don’t murder people on the street for expressing views you don’t like. I thought we were all the same page, and I was wrong.
                           What was most depressing is that the pro-violence responses came almost uniformly from liberals. ...
                      •  I've noted before that if it weren't for Johnson's "Great Society" and the trillions vainly spent to achieve it, we could have had our bases on the moon, space stations, and underwater trains between New York and Paris. Instead: "The Diversity Tax"--Those Who Can See. A look at the real monetary and social costs of diversity and affirmative action. (H/t Chateau Heartiste).

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