Friday, January 27, 2017

January 27, 2017 -- A Quick Run Around the Web

"Introduction to Rifle Squad" - OE TSC G&V (about 9 min)


  • This weekend's Weekend Knowledge Dump from Active Response Training. One of the articles that jumped out in particular is "Small Of The Back Carry: Easy Concealment Or Injury Waiting To Happen?" The article discusses the downsides to small of the back carry, including poor access and retention, poor concealment if you bend over, and the risk of serious injury should you fall onto your back. In my post, "Concealed Carry--No Elegant Solution," I noted some of my experience with small of the back carry, which was that you didn't even need to fall on the handgun; I discovered that just sitting in a chair through a movie at a theater was enough to cause significant pain.
  • "Cargo Van Conversion Project: Part One"--Security and Self-Reliance. The author had picked up a used but well maintained cargo van (2005 Ford E-250), apparently used by an electrician, which he plans on converting to a camper or bug-out-vehicle with enhanced communications capability (per his experience with radio). There appear to be a lot of advantages to this particular van. As the author points out, it has a 110 Volt A/C system installed, apparently for powering equipment or tools, and multiple hookups for antennas. Although he is likely to remove most of them, there were internal storage (drawers and cabinets). I would also note that there are roof racks already installed for carrying equipment, and that their are windows on the cargo doors allowing better viewing of surroundings from inside the van. It looks to be an interesting project.
  • "Liberated -- Free Military Manuals"--the site boasts nearly 4,800 manuals available for download. (H/t Active Response Training). 
  • There seem to be a plethora of axes and tomahawks recently released or shown at SHOT 2017, ranging from the reasonably priced to the obscenely expensive:
  • The Camillus Sin is a tactical tomahawk featuring a spike and a paracord wrapped handle that has an MSRP of $57.99. 
  • Hogue has introduced its EX-T01, a new tactical tomahawk. The head has been skeletonized and there are holes allowing the attachment of accessories to the back of the head, such as a hammer, pry-bar or spike. The base price of the ax is $299.95, but each of the accessories will be $69.95.
  • The Firearms Blog had noted the appearance at SHOT of the Wrath CrashHawk, which it claims "combines the best features of a tomahawk and a crash axe in a solid tool that is sure to be as useful as it is fun." According to the article, "[t]he Wrath is constructed of S7 steel, like jackhammer bits. It has an overall length of 16.5 inches and weighs just over 2 pounds. It retails for $564."
Of course, there are many more less expensive alternatives out there, including some recent entries to the market:
  • "Push the Zone!"--Vox Popoli. A review of a book of the same title that will help you discover microclimates in your yard, use the thermal mass of walls to grow plants intended for warmer growth zones than that in which you live.

Other Stuff: 
  • Diversity!
Relocating the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem would amount to a “declaration of war against Islam” that would require the formation of an armed group to liberate the holy city, said prominent Shiite Iraqi cleric and powerful militia leader Muqtada al-Sadr.
           ... Europe's deepest fear must be that he would succeed rather than fail. By bolting the post-War coalition structure and working frankly to maximize American national advantage, Trump leaves the other coalition partners facing an excruciating dilemma. Should they follow suit and maximize their own interests? Or should they try to sustain the PC multilateral world with their own resources?
             With America's closure to mass uncontrolled immigration the pressure inevitably be on Europe to accept the Middle Eastern millions. Can Europe stand by and watch as Trump strikes separate deals? Which country wants to be the last to maintain open borders AND welfare in a world where America is in frank pursuit of energy dominance, security and trade? Cecilia Malmstrom appears to be volunteering Europe.  Can it do it?
               ... The idea of a permanent barrier between our countries goes to the heart of the divide between our two Americas on the most fundamental of questions.
                 Who are we? What is a nation? What does America stand for?
                   Those desperate to see the wall built, illegal immigration halted, and those here illegally deported, see the country they grew up in as dying, disappearing, with something strange and foreign taking its place.
                      It is not only that illegal migrants take jobs from Americans, that they commit crimes, or that so many require subsidized food, welfare, housing, education, and health care. It is that they are changing our country. They are changing who we are.
                * * *
                         By 1960, almost all of us shared the same heroes and holidays, spoke the same language, and cherished the same culture.
                           What those with memories of that America see happening today is the disintegration of our nation of yesterday. The savagery of our politics, exemplified in the last election, testifies to how Americans are coming to detest one another as much as the Valley Forge generation came to detest the British from whom they broke free.
                             In 1960, we were a Western Christian country. Ninety percent of our people traced their roots to Europe. Ninety percent bore some connection to the Christian faith. To the tens of millions for whom Trump appeals, what the wall represents is our last chance to preserve that nation and people.
                               To many on the cosmopolitan left, ethnic or national identity is not only not worth fighting for, it is not even worth preserving. It is a form of atavistic tribalism or racism.
                                 The Trump wall then touches on the great struggle of our age.
                                   Given that 80 percent of all people of color vote Democratic, neither the Trump movement nor the Republican Party can survive the Third Worldization of the United States now written in the cards.
                                     Moreover, with the disintegration of the nation we are seeing, and with talk of the breakup of states like Texas and secession of states like California, how do we survive as one nation and people?
                                       Old Europe never knew mass immigration until the 20th century.
                                         Now, across Europe, center-left and center-right parties are facing massive defections because they are perceived as incapable of coping with the existential threat of the age—the overrunning of the continent from Africa and the Middle East.
                                           President Trump’s wall is a statement to the world: this is our country. We decide who comes here. And we will defend our borders.

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