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The whole piece is worth the read, but here is a short excerpt to wet your appetite:
What does that look like, by the way, as [the martial law and resulting civil war] ultimately plays out? Well, I want you to imagine a long ditch, Rosie. You’ve been made to help dig it, except that in the interests of time and efficiency a backhoe was brought it to help on your section and a few others. No, no; it’s not part of the dreaded wall that will keep your side from importing and turning into clients a hundred million illegal Latins. No, this ditch has another purpose.
In this ditch you, and a whole bunch of your political allies and comrades, are kneeling, shoulder to shoulder, with your hands tied behind you and, I am sure, rivers of tears running down most of your filthy faces. There is a captain behind the line, might be Army, might be Marines. Hell, he might even be Air Force or Navy Lieutenant. He is not crying; indeed, he is smiling. He has a pistol in one hand. He walks the length of the ditch, a private following him with a bag full of loaded magazines. The captain walks slowly, stopping about every two feet. Whenever he stops he faces the line of kneeling, sniveling, crying people who once thought martial law was just such a splendid idea. He aims carefully, and then shoots each one of you, once, in the back of the head. He’s at least a competent enough shot that he never misses at this range. Every thirteen shots he removes the magazine, hands it to the private, takes a fresh one, and reloads. Click.
And there you are, Rosie, shivering in terror and wondering if maybe that whole martial law thing was really such a good idea. You’re afraid to look but you can hear the shots getting closer and closer to where you kneel. Suddenly, there is a massive bang and the guy kneeling next to you flops forward. You can’t help it, you look down and can see into his half-pulverized brain. You start to scream and then….bang.
That’s what real martial law looks and feels like, Rosie. Are you sure it’s what you want?This of course, is the end result, probably after a long hard war. But I suppose it beats other long time favorites, such as crucifixion. For instance, after Spartacus' failed rebellion:
Crassus had captured around 6,000 rebels from the last battle of the Third Servile War. When news arrived that Pompey had defeated the rebels himself and had taken the credit for what Crassus had done, Crassus decided to crucify his prisoners along the Appian Way, from Capua to Rome. This was intended to both remind Rome of what he had done, and to send a warning to all other slaves who rebelled against their masters. Some rebels were probably crucified on the Latin Road (Via Latina), another road from Capua to Rome. the prisoners walked, with their crosses, across 75 miles from the river silarus to Capua.But the methods described above are all so old-fashioned. As Kratman notes in his piece, the real map to look at concerning the U.S. is the Democrat/Republican divide at the county level. That is where you get the real feel for how the left is mostly concentrated in large urban centers, mostly along the coast and limited cities in the heartland (Chicago, St. Louis and Kansas City). While a civil war will initially pit neighbor against neighbor, the closing scenes will likely see the left pushed back or retreating into its urban enclaves, which will then be nuked. There won't be any house-to-house fighting to retake New York, Boston, St. Louis, Chicago, etc., or a concern over collateral damage.
The rebels were left for death, many dying every day from heat exhaustion and starvation and thirst. They were not taken down for weeks, many slaves may have been deliberately taken along the road to Rome, so they would know that this fate awaited them should they attempt to act against their masters.
I'm not calling for this to happen. In fact, it is the left that seems so eager to "bring it on." I am merely describing what I see as the ultimate outcome.
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