Monday, November 21, 2016

Celebrating Diversity

Just today I happened across several articles that are relevant to the issue of whether unfettered third world immigration is of any intrinsic value to the West. These are the cultures which the elites insist can be peacefully and productively integrated in Western nations. Consider:

The Black Axe - a Nigerian criminal network that rules by fear - is involved in drug dealing, prostitution and the fraudulent transfer of money between Europe and Nigeria.

      And the ruthless organisation is now working alongside the Sicilian mafia - the notorious and powerful Cosa Nostra - after striking a deal with underworld bosses in the island’s capital Palermo and buying the rights to operate in designated areas. 
      * * *
      The officials compared the crime network to a full-fledged state with leaders, defence ministers, soldiers and even a national holiday. They said it is based on a pyramidal structure of obedience and terror.
        According to residents and local reports, the latest bout of violence erupted after a monkey that belonged to a shopkeeper from the Gaddadfa tribe attacked a group of schoolgirls passing by.

            The monkey pulled off a girl's headscarf and reportedly bit and scratched her, leading men from the Awlad Suleiman tribe to retaliate by killing three Gaddadfa people - as well as the monkey.

                "There was an escalation on the second and third days with the use of tanks, mortars, and other heavy weapons," a resident told Reuters on condition of anonymity because of the denigrating security situation.

                    "There are still sporadic clashes and life is completely shut down in the areas where there has been fighting."
                    See also this BBC report.
                      Twenty people died during weekend violence in Guerrero, including 10 in Acapulco, two of whom were Navy personnel.

                          All the victims were assassinated; many of the bodies had been dismembered.

                              Worst of the violence was in Tixtla, where eight dismembered bodies were discovered in plastic bags on the side of the Atliaca highway. The victims had been tortured.

                                  Another three bodies found in Teloloapan have been identified as three metal workers who disappeared November 4. They are presumed to have been kidnapped and killed by members of the Familia Michoacana gang.

                                      Their bodies were also dismembered and left in plastic bags.
                                        Mr Cazeneuve, said: “Two of the men were arrested in the southern city of Marseille and four more were arrested in the eastern city of Strasbourg. 

                                            “The suspects are of French, Afghan, and Moroccan origin and are between 29 and 37 years of age.

                                            The article goes on to point out that "[i]n this year alone 418 people had been arrested for suspected links to terror networks."

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