Tuesday, October 7, 2014

A Small Survival Library for a Get Home Bag

This is a guest post from my good friend, whom I will refer to as the Realist:

I've wanted to add a small library to my Get Home Bag (GHB) to have for reference and sanity. I ruled out a computer or e-book reader because they need regular charging, are fragile, and cannot handle the interior temperature extremes of a parked vehicle (below zero to 180 degrees Fahrenheit). Similarly, I did not want to rely solely on my smart-phone because it needs to be recharged regularly. Further, due to the very limited hidden storage space in my vehicle, my GHB has serious volume limitations. After much thought and research, I decided this library should contain a survival/emergency reference and a scripture book of some sort.

The rational for including this library is multifaceted. First, it would give me something to keep my mind active during the inevitable waiting and hunkering down in an emergency. Second, the survival/emergency reference would provide a vehicle for thinking outside the box about the emergency. Third, the scripture book would provide spiritual/emotional support while under stress.

Book of Mormon, SAS Survival Guide, LDS New Testament, D&H Brothers New Testament, and
Gideon New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs.

Survival/Emergency References

While there are plenty of regular sized survival/emergency books available, there are very few pocket sized titles. There are also several playing card decks with survival/emergency information printed on the faces of the cards.

Decks of cards are definitely pocket sized, however a playing card deck is limited to 54 to 56 "pages" (52 cards, plus two Jokers, plus an additional card or two for an introduction and legal disclaimer). Of the card decks I've looked at, the Discover Wilderness Survival deck is the best. However, the card deck format severely limits the available space for presenting information. By way of comparison, the "Bear Grylls Priorities of Survival" pocket guide, a single sheet of paper (really, plastic) provided with just about every Bear Grylls branded survival product, provides as much useful information as a survival deck of cards. There are other survival related card decks addressing topics such as knots or plant identification. Unfortunately, card decks don't present enough information for their weight and volume.

The only practical tiny survival/emergency reference I found currently in print is the pocket edition of the SAS Survival Guide. This book is 384 pages long, packed with information covering just about any emergency or survival topic you can imagine. It helps to at least skim the book first to become familiar with its contents.

A comparison of text sizes in the pocket books (top to bottom): Gideon New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs, D&H Brothers New Testament, LDS New Testament, Book of Mormon, and SAS Survival Guide.


There are many practical options for the scripture book, depending on your religious preferences. For Christians, an obvious option is a small New Testament. Since I am LDS, a small Book of Mormon is also an option. 

I have found three reasonable options for a New Testament (King James Version).

The first option is the pocket New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs published and distributed by the Gideons International. The Gideons give this book away, if you can find a Gideon member handing them out. The Gideons do not sell their books to the public - they cannot be ordered from their web site. You can find them for sale on ebay, or you may stumble across one at a used book store or thrift store. I like the Gideon New Testament because it has a decent sized font for such a tiny book, it has a semi-stiff cover, and the corners are rounded to reduce the chance of it becoming dog-eared.

The second option is the pocket New Testament published by D&H Brothers Industries Co, Ltd. It also has a semi-stiff cover. The font is a little smaller than the Gideon book. The corners are square. It is sold at Dollar Tree stores for one dollar each. It is also available on ebay or Amazon for several dollars each.

The third option is the pocket New Testament sold by the LDS church though their online store. It has a soft cover. It is slightly taller and wider than the above two options, but half the thickness. It has rounded corners. It sells for three dollars, plus shipping.

A web search confirms that pocket size New Testaments are available for other Bible versions (e.g. NAS, NIV).

I found only one viable option for a Book of Mormon. For many years, a pocket sized scripture set has been available for LDS members going into the military, but this set or the individual books from the set could not be purchased new. I recently discovered that the LDS Church now sells a version of these books. There are two variants of the pocket Book of Mormon, one with square corners and one with round corners. The round corner variant is slightly thinner. The pocket Book of Mormon can be ordered from the LDS online store (store.lds.org). They sell for four dollars each, plus shipping.

Far sighted? Need reading glasses?

Typical Fresnel magnifying lens card
If you are far sighted or use reading glasses, you might also include a credit card sized Fresnel magnifying lens (sometimes called a "wallet magnifier"), in its slip cover, with each of the books. (Actually, they are so small and inexpensive that I would put a magnifying lens card inside each book.) The magnifying lens card can also double as a fire starting tool. These magnifier lens cards are readily available on Amazon or ebay. I recently purchased a lot of twenty five magnifying lens cards from a domestic seller through ebay for fifteen dollars, including shipping.

Packing the Books

I would recommend storing the books individually in thick plastic bags (e.g. quart sized freezer bags) or Tyvek(R) envelopes. The bag or envelope will provide some protection from moisture and protect the book from damage while floating around inside a bag or backpack.

(1) Discover Wilderness Survival card deck: http://www.amazon.com/Sea-to-Sky-A124-Wilderness/dp/B001EVKQKS

(2) SAS Survival Guide: 117 x 83 x 23 mm, 215 grams. http://www.amazon.com/SAS-Survival-Guide-Collins-Gem/dp/0061992860 orhttp://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sas-survival-guide-2e-john-lofty-wiseman/1114855818?ean=9780061992865

(3) Gideon New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs: 121 x 78 x 15 mm, 83 grams.

(4) D&H Brothers Industries Co, Ltd. New Testament: 113 x 77 x 16, 100 grams. http://www.amazon.com/Pocket-Sized-Testament-James-Version-Bible/dp/9862582308

(5) LDS New Testament: 130 x 86 x 10 mm, 95 grams. http://store.lds.org/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product3_715839595_10557__-1__3074457345616956228

(6) Book of Mormon, square corners: 130 x 86 x 20 mm, 154 grams. http://store.lds.org/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product3_715839595_10557_3074457345616706303_-1__195595

(7) Book of Mormon, round corners: 130 x 86 x 16 mm, 160 grams. http://store.lds.org/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product3_715839595_10557_3074457345616706303_-1__3074457345616956233

(8) Fresnel magnifying lens in slip cover: 93 x 57 x 1 mm, 4 grams.

1 comment:

  1. I would also note that having the extra quart bags (i.e., the bags used for the books) is a good idea. Cody Lundin has written about using sealable plastic bags to collect water (even out of shallow puddles), and then letting them sit in the sun for a few hours to let the UV rays kill the germs.


Gun & Prepping News #17

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