Thursday, October 2, 2014

NBC News Cameraman Tests Positive for Ebola

NBC News reports that a freelance cameraman with an NBC crew in Liberia tested positive for Ebola. He will be flown back to the U.S. for treatment. No word on how he was exposed.

This will be an interesting crises. It took years for the black death to spread from Central Asia through China and the Middle-East, before arriving in Europe, and years for it to make its way through Europe. During that time, its lethality declined--in the Middle-East, the plague killed animals as well as people, with an estimated 50% or more dying, as compared to Europe where it seemed to have little effect on animals, and the mortality rate was about 33% overall.

This time, the virus has the chance to quickly spread to form islands of infection, which then spread. So, a single area could be infected with strains from various sources, and perhaps different characteristics.

Right now, there is little for the average American to fear but panic. The panic will lead to bad policies, bad laws, and more power being sucked into Washington.

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