Monday, October 27, 2014

“ 'I’ll Come To Your Place When SHTF' – No You Won’t"

Glenn Tate's article on why he will not share with friends and co-workers who had the opportunity to prepare, but chose not to, is deservedly getting some attention on prepping sites. He reasons:
But what did you do?  You spent the weekends watching football, went on expensive vacations, and never made your spouse mad at you with your “crazy” ideas that something bad was happening.  You didn’t do shit because… you would just come to my place.  Problem solved, right?  You didn’t need to spend time, money, and create domestic strife because I did that all for you. 
Not.  Why should I spend my time, money, and stress just so you can waltz into my place and live happily ever after?  I’m a nice guy, but – really? – I’m going to spend my (very limited) free time, disposable income, and domestic tranquility just so you can have a leisurely life and more material comforts pre-Collapse while I don’t? 
Why do you think I will sacrifice enormous amounts of my time and money so you can enjoy yourself while I’m slaving away?  Would you assume you could come over and leave your broken car at my house?  That I would just spend thousands of dollars on parts and several weekends fixing it and then hand it over to you with a smile – just because I’m a “good guy”?  Would anyone expect that?
I've had similar comments from a couple co-workers. One half-jokingly says that if the end of the world comes, he's coming to my house (he doesn't believe that the end of the world will come, however). I've told him that he will not be welcome, and I can defend myself. His response is that a single Molotov cocktail would render my defenses moot. Possibly true, but then he won't be getting my supplies either.

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