Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Something Happening To Clinton Campaign? (Updated)

Scott Adams famously endorsed Hillary Clinton solely for reasons of his own safety. He later withdraw his endorsement from Clinton, but refused to endorse Trump. Today, he has endorsed Trump and, moreover, is predicting with a 98% certainty that Trump will win by a landslide. His reasoning?
Today I put Trump’s odds of winning in a landslide back to 98%. Remember, I told you a few weeks ago that Trump couldn’t win unless “something changed.”  
Something just changed.
But what changed? Adams doesn't say, and a review of the mainstream news outlets, and even the larger conservative news outlets, are silent. Sure, there are additional emails from Wikileaks, but nothing stunning.

I'm wondering if what Adams thinks is a game changer are rumors that Eric Braverman, the former CEO of the Clinton Foundation, is seeking asylum from the Russians.

Update: I suppose it could be the Pedosta email showing that when Obama said he only learned of Hillary's use of a private server from the news reports, he had received emails from Hillary that were not from "state.gov" addresses. But it just doesn't seem enough to counter the trashing of Trump's reputation.

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