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Source: "A&Eerie: Spooky images of Europe's abandoned hospitals show how once pristine medical facilities have become the casualties of time"--Daily Mail. |
- "Reviews: Strike Industries Extended Charging Latch and Cookie Cutter Comp: For the money, it's hard to go wrong with these products."--All Outdoors.
- "Watch: Gutless Elk Cleaning: How to get your meat without gutting your animal."--All Outdoors. Although more difficult if you are trying to get the tenderloins, it is an option if you want less mess. I don't know how that would work in states where you have to present evidence of the gender of the animal or the size of antlers.
- "Mastering The Defensive Shotgun"--Shooting Illustrated. Key point: "As badass as you might be against stationary targets, if you struggle with fast-moving targets you are no master of the shotgun." The author recommends taking your self-defense shotgun and equipment to the clay range.
- "Prepping on a Budget: 10 Survival Items That Everyone Can Afford"--Outdoor Life. The author lists simple, inexpensive items that everyone should have as part of their preps.
- I want: "Review: Kineti-Tech Muzzle Brake and Sound Redirector: Reduce recoil without busting eardrums."--All Outdoors.
- "Testing Your Rifle-Shooting Skills"--Shooting Illustrated. The author presents a timed and scored test developed by Stewart Edward White for rapid rifle fire practice.
- "Federal Judge Overturns Ban on Openly Carrying Guns in Public: The ruling also rejects an 'assault weapon' ban, caliber restrictions for long guns, a heavy handgun tax, and registration requirements."--Reason.com. Gun freedom for the Northern Mariana Islands, which is one of the territories falling within the 9th Circuit.
Other Stuff:
- People talk a lot about gun confiscations or bans starting a civil war, and maybe so, but systemic voter fraud and rigged elections is the type of crap that really starts revolutions:
- "Report: Ineligible Aliens Voted in Philadelphia in Recent Years"--Washington Free Beacon.
- "State Police raid Indy office in growing voter fraud case"--Indy Star. From this article:
Indiana State Police investigators on Tuesday searched a voter registration agency on Indianapolis' north side as they look into a voter fraud case that spans nine counties.
The investigation began in late August when police learned of the filing of fraudulent voter registration forms in Marion and Hendricks counties.
The investigation has expanded from Marion and Hendricks counties to include Allen, Delaware, Hamilton, Hancock, Johnson, Lake and Madison counties, according to a statement from State Police.
Police said the growing number of involved counties leads investigators to believe that the number of fraudulent records might be in the hundreds.
The possible fraudulent information is a combination of fake names, addresses and dates of birth with real information.
As part of the expanded investigation, State Police detectives served a search warrant for the business offices of the Indiana Voter Registration Project in the 2400 block of North Meridian Street.
- "Oil Glut? Here Comes Some More!"--New York Times. The article reports:
On Tuesday, Caelus Energy announced it had found a field in the shallow waters off the North Slope in Alaska that could produce as much as 2.4 billion barrels of oil, more than half the reserves of Ecuador, an OPEC producer.
A few weeks earlier, Apache Corporation said a long-overlooked field in West Texas contained at least three billion barrels of oil and 75 trillion cubic feet of gas.
Together, the discoveries are relatively modest compared with the new-field production earlier in the decade from shale fields opened up by hydraulic fracturing — the high-pressure mix of water, sand and chemicals that blasts hard oil-bearing rocks. But some analysts say they could well be precursors to more discoveries in West Texas and Arctic Alaska.
- Related: "Small Texas company announces massive oil discovery in Alaska"--The Christian Science Monitor.
- Diversity: "2 Belgian cops stabbed in possible terror-related incident"--Fox News. From the report:
... The man allegedly stabbed one officer in the neck and the other in the abdomen in the city's heavily-Muslim Schaerbeek neighborhood on Wednesday and then fled the scene. Both officers are expected to survive, a statement from prosecutors said.
The assailant was stopped by a second group of police. He's accused of breaking the nose of one officer, whothen shot the man in the leg.
- Black Lives Matter: "A teen was brutally beaten after making pro-police statements. His mom says it’s a hate crime."--Washington Post. From the article:
Allen, his mother, told ABC affiliate WBMA that Ogle showed support for law enforcement in comments on Facebook after some students at his high school wore Black Lives Matter shirts to class. She told WBRC that Ogle received threatening messages and then reported them to the principal at Sylacauga High School.
A Facebook page that matches Ogle’s name and likeness includes posts about the Black Lives Matter movement and violent protests that erupted following fatal police shootings.
The page also includes a viral video that shows a black man giving hugs to police officers in Charlotte, where outrage spilled into the streets after an officer shot and killed Keith Lamont Scott on Sept. 20. That deadly encounter came just days after another black man, Terence Crutcher, was shot and killed by an officer in Tulsa while standing near his vehicle in the street.
The two shootings, four days and 1,000 miles apart, followed a tense summer filled with high-profile officer-involved shootings, as well as deadly assaults on police in Dallas and Baton Rouge.
Police confirmed to WBMA that there have been race-related issues at Sylacauga High, which was placed on lockdown Wednesday after what district officials called “rumors on social media regarding threats of violence.”
“While there has been no credible threat of violence made toward SHS, our school employees and police remain vigilant in carrying out safety measures,” Sylacauga Superintendent Todd Freeman said in a statement. “We urge students, parents, and community members to be responsible in the use of social media as it relates to rumors. We encourage everyone to report credible threats to the police immediately.”
Two days later, Ogle was assaulted.
Police told WBMA race issues may have been a factor in the attack on Ogle, who is a student at the school.
- Heightened amygdala: "Clown Update: WH Weighs In on Creepy Clown Epidemic, 'Clown Riot' at Penn State, More Sightings"--PJ Media. This is amazing: according to the article, "[h]undreds of students from Penn State set out to hunt clowns Monday night and into Tuesday amid rumors that clowns were loose on campus." Imagine when the Apocalypse goes down and people start hunting the leftists that caused all of it.
- Nothing to see here, move along: "Dozens of Afghan troops came to US for training, then vanished"--New York Post. The article indicates 44 Afghan soldiers have gone missing. Are they the rats fleeing the sinking ship that is Afghanistan, or terrorists joining a cell?
- God--He's a really smart guy: "Sexonomics: Odds of Divorce"--Free Northerner. An interesting review of factors in a potential wife that increases the risk of divorce. You will note that many of these have to do with basically living a moral and religious life (including Brigham Young's insistence that women be educated). Key points:
Looking at all this, it’s easy to see the two best determinates of her divorcing you are her education and whether she has had sex prior to marriage.
A bachelor’s degree is a 40-point decrease in the odds of divorce over a high school graduate.
A women having sex with one other partner is an instant 25-point increase in the odds of divorce, with another 10-point drop for a second partner, and another for a fifth. Related to this, her having sex before age 18 is another major risk factor. Marrying her before she’s 20 is also a risk factor, but not as great a one as her having had sex with someone else; if the choice is between a virgin under 20 and older non-virgin, the young virgin is less risky. Do not marry a slut.
Religion is important, but the most important part is less what religion, but rather how devout she is. An actively religious couple is generally a 20-point decrease in the chance of divorce than a non-active couple.
Marrying an Asian is a 15-point decrease in the odds of divorce. Marrying a black was the opposite.
If she had an intact family, that’s a 20-point decrease in the risk of divorce.
If you marry a virgin bride who’s over the age of 20, has an intact family, a college degree, and is a devout Christian, the chances of divorce are very low. If she’s also Asian, they’re even lower.
Also, make sure you earn a lot more than her, don’t be poor, don’t cohabitate before marriage, and don’t knock her up until marriage.
- A reminder that we live in the 21st Century: "Boeing CEO Vows to Beat Musk to Mars"--Bloomberg. From the article:
Boeing Chief Executive Officer Dennis Muilenburg sketched out a Jetsons-like future at a conference Tuesday, envisioning a commercial space-travel market with dozens of destinations orbiting the Earth and hypersonic aircraft shuttling travelers between continents in two hours or less. And Boeing intends to be a key player in the initial push to send humans to Mars, maybe even beating Musk to his long-time goal.
“I’m convinced the first person to step foot on Mars will arrive there riding a Boeing rocket,” Muilenburg said at the Chicago event on innovation, which was sponsored by the Atlantic magazine.
Like Musk’s SpaceX, Boeing is focused on building out the commercial space sector near earth as spaceflight becomes more routine, while developing technology to venture far beyond the moon. The Chicago-based aerospace giant is working with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to develop a heavy-lift rocket called the Space Launch System for deep space exploration. Boeing and SpaceX are also the first commercial companies NASA selected to ferry astronauts to the International Space Station.
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