Tuesday, November 13, 2012

More Evidence That the Feds Purposefully Armed the Sinaloas

The Truth About Guns has followed the Fast and Furious debacle for a long time, and has noted information indicating that the Federal government intentionally was assisting the Sinaloas cartel:
But there’s new evidence putting Uncle Sam and the narco-terrorists are in bed together. Check out this revelation from Revista Contralinea [via wired.com] . . .
The testimony of a Mexican hitman turned government witness has revealed some astonishing details of life inside Mexico’s criminal underworld. Most astonishing of all: claims that cartel assassins obtained guns from the U.S. Border Patrol.

According to Mexican magazine Revista Contralinea, the testimony comes from a protected government witness and former hitman, who cooperated in the prosecution of a Sinaloa Cartel accountant by the Mexican Attorney General’s Office.

The testimony details a series of battles fought by a group of cartel members attempting to drive out rival gangsters from territory in Mexico’s desert west. To do it, the group sought weapons from the U.S., including at least 30 WASR-10 rifles — a variant of the AK-47 —allegedly acquired from Border Patrol agents.
This is the first time we’ve heard of the CPB selling/providing guns to goons. But it’s hardly surprising. The entire border region is awash with billions of narco-dollars. Cash money. Why wouldn’t U.S. government employees put their kids through college by turning a blind eye, once?

More than that, they may have simply been doing their job. If the ATF was happy to allow indeed subsidize straw purchases from U.S. gun stores to Mexican drug thugs, why wouldn’t the CPB get a similar memo from the Powers That Be?

We’ve already highlighted the DEA’s money laundering ops (as reported by The New York Times) and the testimony of Jesus Vicente Zambada-Niebla, the captured Sinaloa cartel’s “logistics coordinator” who claims he was on the CIA’s payroll, and that the fed’s F&F guns were smuggled to his compadres with Uncle Sam’s blessing.

Not to mention Operation Castaway, the ATF gun running program channeling firearms to Honduras. Or the “grenade walker” scandal, wherein the ATF captured and released a known IED maker, who headed straight for Mexico to continue his explosive fabrication.

None of these black bag jobs are enough to topple the Prez. Obviously. But there is a pattern of government duplicity and cooperation with the world’s worst criminal conspiracy that involves enormous corruption. Contributing to the death of tens of thousands of Mexicans and a U.S. Border Patrol Agent named Brian Terry.
The Feds (whatever alphabet agency is involved) has made a deal with the devil. And when you deal with the devil, there is always hell to be paid. While the obvious price in this case was the death of Brian Terry and hundreds of Mexican nationals, the other price is that turning a blind eye has allowed this (and perhaps other) cartels to expand and consolidate networks in the U.S.

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