Saturday, November 10, 2012

Government Workers Hoarding "Free" Gas

CBS New York has discovered that NYC employees are hoarding gas meant for "first responders."
As millions of drivers alternate days and run on fumes, CBS 2 has uncovered a disturbing loophole for a privileged few.

An exclusive investigation discovered city employees getting free gas — originally meant for first responders.

There were cars getting fueled up. A woman was spotted putting two gas cans into her trunk. There were long lines.

They seem like scenes from a typical gas station, right?

Well, not quite. They were taking place in the parking lot at the World’s Fair Marina on Friday.

It was a fueling station, not only for first responders and NYC vehicles, but also, it seems, for the personal vehicles of any city employee.

And the gas was free!

“It’s a great break for us,” FDNY administrator Maria Mercado said.

The gas is delivered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in huge tanker trucks. Drivers roll up and an attendant immediately fills up the tank without ever taking a dime.
These people should be tarred and feathered, and run out of town on a rail.

Another reason not to trust government in an emergency.

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