Monday, November 26, 2012

19 Bodies Found in Mass Grave in Mexico

Sadly, this is not as shocking as it should be. From the Daily Mail:
Nineteen bodies have been discovered in Mexico's northern border state of Chihuahua after gruesomely tortured and buried some for years in mass graves near Texas' border.

Eleven found in Ejido Jesus Carranza were recognized as having been dead for at least two years while eight others had been tortured and killed in recent days, the state prosecutor's office for missing people said on Sunday.
Ejido Jesus Carranza, near the U.S. border, is about 25 miles (40 kilometers) southeast of Ciudad Juarez and is a popular spot for picnickers from Juarez - across the border from El Paso, Texas.

. . . The men had been shot in the head after being tortured according to the agency’s report. Some had been burned, beaten and had eyes carved out.
The violence has already seeped across the border, and I predict it won't be long before we start seeing the same type of mass graves here in the U.S.

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