Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Ground Squirrel in S. Cal. Found to Have Plague

The Daily Mail reports:
Deadly plague bacteria was detected in a ground squirrel found dead at a popular Southern California campground.

Health officials say it is the first discovery of the plague in Riverside County, California, in more than a decade.

Rodents like squirrels and rats become infected with the yersinia pestis bacteria after being bitten by infected fleas.

The infection was found during a routine test of a squirrel from Fern Basin campground in the San Jacinto Mountains, north of Idyllwild.

Health officials collected the squirrel carcass on September 6 and confirmed the plague results on Tuesday.

They were quick to stress that the danger to campers and hikers is low.The infected squirrel had low levels of the bacteria.
This is a good reminder to not handle the carcasses of ground squirrels, prairie dogs, and other rodents that live in colonies.

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