Friday, October 12, 2012

Drying, Storing and Preparing Wild Medicinal Plants

Foragers Digest has an article on how to dry, store and prepare wild medicinal plants. The author writes:
The proper preparation and storage of herbs and medicinal plants is critical to obtaining the most benefit from the desired remedy. While some of the methods of preparation and storage may seem complex, once you have undertaken and completed your first round of preparation, you will find that the process is quite simple and logical.

Three tools that you will find invaluable as you become more dedicated to “eating wild” are a juicer, dehydrator and drying screen for your harvested plants.

There are five primary methods of preparing herbs for medicinal use, plus an arsenal of alternative preparation & delivery methods. The five primary methods are infusion, decoction, tincture, extraction & distillation. Each method offers specific advantages.

By far, the easiest way to store many of your harvested plants simply is to dry them. However, freezing, refrigerating, canning and preparations of jams and jellies often also are viable alternatives.
He goes on to describe different techniques of drying, making syrups and liniments, and other ways of preparing the herbs for storage or use. 

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