Monday, June 10, 2024

A Feminist Lie About Men and Gun Ownership Exposed

It is long been a truism among feminists and their boot lickers that men who like firearms are trying to compensate for other ... er ... deficiencies. So prevalent was this idea that it even had a formal name: the psychosexual theory of gun ownership. But the American Journal of Men's Health has published a study that not only refutes the feminist meme but actually shows the opposite is true. 

    The paper, "Size Matters? Penis Dissatisfaction and Gun Ownership in America," looked into the so-called "theory". The hypothesis, the paper explains, has four primary propositions: (i) that firearms are phallic symbols (obviously something that only the sex-obsessed left would think of); (ii) that "guns are symbols and instruments of masculinity because they are primarily used by men"; (iii) that "when men define their own penises as small or below average, they may experience psychological distress because these perceptions can undermine security, self-confidence, and masculinity"; and (iv) the conclusion "that men who are dissatisfied with their penises may seek to obtain guns to compensate for the distressing effects of any perceived deficits in masculinity or sexual potency."

    There has never been any evidence that the hypothesis was correct. For instance, the author's relate:

In our review of the literature, we could find only one previous empirical test of the psychosexual theory of gun ownership. Using survey data collected from a national sample of men, Hill, Dowd-Arrow, et al. (2021) examined the association between sexual dysfunction and gun ownership. The key finding was that men who reported experiencing sexual dysfunction exhibited similar rates of gun ownership as men who reported no experiences with sexual dysfunction. This association was replicated across several indicators of sexual dysfunction (performance anxiety, erection trouble, and erectile dysfunction medication) and gun ownership (personal gun ownership, purchasing a gun during the pandemic, and keeping a gun in one’s bedroom). Although this work is informative with respect to sexual dysfunction, the association between penis size and gun ownership has yet to be studied.

The study authors decided to rectify that oversight, using "national survey data to extend previous work by directly examining the association between penis size dissatisfaction and personal gun ownership in America"  examining "multiple indicators of penis dissatisfaction (size dissatisfaction and enlargement history) and gun ownership (personal ownership of any gun, personal ownership of a military-style rifle, and the total number of guns owned)." 

    Long story short, the researchers discovered "that men who are more dissatisfied with the size of their penises are less likely to personally own guns across outcomes, including any gun ownership, military-style rifle ownership, and total number of guns owned." (Italics in original). Moreover, "[t]he inverse association between penis size dissatisfaction and gun ownership is linear," meaning that the greater the dissatisfaction, the less likely a man would be to own firearms and vice versa. The authors also suggest that there is an association between higher testosterone levels and owning firearms of any type. Basically, the authors found that the more manly you are, the more likely you are to own firearms. 


  1. To a GloboLeftist, everything is about sex. Everything. The lens they use to look at the world is built on hedonism and fetish. They cannot understand any other way of thinking.

    1. Or, as the Anonymous Conservative terms it, they are like rabbits.


Gruesome Deaths and Attacks #2

 Just some macabre news stories I've come across over the past couple of months:  " Hunter becomes the hunted: Shocking moment woun...