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Source: "Meet Sylville Smith, The Man Shot By Police In Milwaukee, Through The Eyes Of His Friends"--Weasel Zippers. |
- Riots in Milwaukee:
- "Violence erupts after officer-involved shooting"--Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
The clip shows angry rioters chanting “black power!” before asking “is they white?” as cars slowly drive past.
“Yeah they white!” states someone else, prompting the mob to run towards the vehicle.
“Yeah they white, get their ass!” screams another.
“Hey they beatin’ up every white person!” exclaims another rioter.
“He white – beat his head – bitch!” he adds.
The footage appears to show the mob attacking cars and trying to drag out the drivers.
The footage then cuts to an upper floor window before the person shooting the video states, “I think they just beat some white bitch ass for no reason – they bust open the window.”
- "Video: Milwaukee Protesters Chant 'America Was Never Great'…"--Weasel Zippers.
Lots of amygdala things going on here. Anger, envy, surprise, visual stimuli, loud noise, and the excitement of the unknown are all amygdala stimulants. Once in high amygdala, it produces wanton violence and lack of logic, even with food subsidies, free housing, and a culture that will so avoid conflict that nobody will tell them that in every case, their criminal friends deserve to be shot by the police.
When the real Apocalypse hits, and food shippers won’t deliver to their areas (because not only will trucks be hijacked, all the stores will have been burned down), then you will see real racial violence. Starve these people for a week, let them see rural white America living as if nothing happened, and watch them get word the government doesn’t have the free money which they have become accustomed to.
- "What Should You Do If Protestors Surround Your Car?"--U.S. Concealed Carry (h/t Active Response Training).
- Related: "Dark Arts for Good Guys: Break on Through to the other side"--Straight Forward in a Crooked World. Advice for getting through a road-block.
- "Outrage after hunter films himself killing black bear with homemade SPEAR and leaving it to bleed to death in the woods"--Daily Mail. I'm citing this story not because I believe the anti-hunting agitprop in the story, but as an example of how effective primitive weapons can be under certain circumstances. As you consider what the hunter did, you can almost see agriculture developing from hunters sowing certain seeds in order to attract animals to a hide where they could effectively use their short-ranged weapons.
- "Modern Intermediate Calibers 008: The Soviet 5.45x39mm"--The Firearms Blog. Nathaniel F. writes: "Despite its lighter bullet, the 5.45x39mm round retains its energy better than 5.56mm from comparable barrels, thanks to an excellent, carefully designed bullet shape. Even better, 5.45x39mm rounds are typically lighter, with the steel-cased 53gr 7N6 ball round weighing about 10.7 grams per shot."
- "Gun Review: Remington R51 Gen 2"--The Truth About Guns. It gets a good review for all points except its take-down (which, while not as bad as a Ruger .22 pistol such as the Mark II or III, is still more complicated than a 1911) and availability of accessories. I watched a video review over the weekend which was also favorable, and, as a bonus, showed in detail how to field-strip and reassemble the pistol.
- Just a reminder that we live in the 21st Century: "A Sixth Success! SpaceX Again Lands Rocket on a Ship at Sea"--Scientific American. "The private spaceflight company has landed its Falcon 9 rocket for the sixth time in the last eight months."
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