Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Cooling Trend

In his article "Green is the New Red," J.R. Nyquist discusses how the environmental movement--particularly "global warming"--has been turned to the purposes of tyranny. As part of his essay, he discusses the issue of global cooling:
John L. Casey is a former NASA engineer. His book, Dark Winter, discusses climate science in terms of solar cycles. According to Casey, “Major changes taking place in the climate have already pulled the rug out from under the idea that mankind controls the climate.” The scientific evidence, if looked at properly, shows there has been no global warming for the last 17 years. Casey also says that “the actual record of global temperature trends shows the oceans and the atmosphere have actually been cooling for most of the last 11 years.” The sun passes through cycles, and according to Casey, we are headed toward a cold cycle, with the lowest temperatures predicted to occur between 2031 and 2037. “It is important to note,” says Casey, “that the … 1990-2010 warm period will be the last record warm period for the next 206 years….” 
In November 2008, Prof. Don J. Easterbrook of Western Washington University wrote an article titled Global Cooling is Here. In this article he flatly stated, “Global warming is over. The minute increase of anthropogenic CO2 in the atmosphere was not the cause of the warming – it was a continuation of natural cycles that occurred over the past 500 years.” Last month Michael Bastasch published a piece at the Daily Caller about Jurgen Lange Hein, a physicist with the German-based European Institute for Climate and Energy who says that solar radiation since 1998 has diminished, “and could reach values similar to those of the early twentieth century. A drop in global temperatures of the next few years is predicted.” Bastasch wrote another piece back in 2013 titled “Scientists predict a century of global cooling” in which he stated, “Scientists … have been increasingly turning against the global warming consensus and arguing that the world is actually in line for a colder century.” 
Two years ago 125 scientists sent an open letter to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon stating that, “We the undersigned, qualified in climate-related matters, wish to state that current scientific knowledge does not substantiate your assertions [that global warming is proven].” These scientists went on to state that there has been no global warming during the previous 16 years. In fact, the letter says UN officials should be more worried about global cooling than global warming.
(Underline added).

Historically, cooler weather has resulted in lower precipitation and increased desertification in many parts of the world. (See "Climate Change Catastrophes in Critical Thinking", "Global Cooling, Not Global Warming, Doomed the Ancients" and "The Upside to Global Warming"). In Europe, on the other hand, it can lead to longer winters and/or increased rainfall and more violent storms. In any event, shorter growing seasons and disruptive weather can be expected to impact food production and increase food prices. (See "The Little Ice Age In Europe").

From an eschatological perspective, I find it interestingly that the lowest temperatures (and presumably the worst climate/weather related disasters) will fall 2,000 years after Christ's triumphal entry to Jerusalem.

Related Posts: "The Coming Ice Age"

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