Wednesday, April 29, 2015

First They Came for Traditional Christians....

From the National Review:
Religious institutions could be at risk of losing their tax-exempt status due to their beliefs about marriage if the Supreme Court holds that gay couples have a constitutional right to wed, President Obama’s attorney acknowledged to the Supreme Court today [i.e., April 28].
The government wouldn't even have this stick with which to beat Christians if it wasn't for the awful events of 1913--a year to live in infamy. Paul Rosenberg described the events of that year as "The Blow That Killed America 100 Years Ago." He described three events that killed the United States--at least as a constitutional federal republic: (i) the 16th Amendment, allowing the Federal Government to impose an income tax; (ii) the 17th Amendment, which eliminated the representation of States in Congress by requiring the popular election of Senators (prior to that, Senators were chosen by each State's legislature), turning Senators into creatures of a strong central government; and (iii) establishment of the Federal Reserve System--i.e., privatization of the creation of money. Read the whole thing, and see also "Beware of Years That End in 13."


  1. Why the opposition to same-sex marriage? You see gays every day. They are your neighbors. They are your coworkers. They are your political leaders. They teach in your children's schools. They produce the mass-media entertainment that engages and inculcates your children. It is already too late to stop. You may oppose same-sex marriage, but your children already embrace it.

    1. Because it is morally wrong, harmful to individuals and society, and is, and will be, used as an excuse to persecute religions and their followers, as many, many articles to which I've cited in prior posts discuss.


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