Thursday, March 26, 2015

TFB Review of the Vanquest Rackit-36 Covert Rifle Bag

Image 8

The Firearms Blog reviews a covert rifle bag from Vanquest. Sorry about the small photo; larger photos can be found at the manufacturer's website or at TFB's review. Obviously, I haven't used the bag, but the article caught my attention for the possibility of a get-home bag or BOB that would also contain a rifle. So, just a few thoughts:

It appears from both the review and Vanquest's description that the pack is outfitted to be carried with a single strap, although it can be switched from one side to another. The interior compartment is 36 inches long, but from the list of firearms it can accept, it appears that 33 inches is realistically the longest that can be easily contained. This means that most rifles will either need the stock collapsed or folded (for instance, the TFB review notes that a SCAR 17 would fit, but only with the stock folded).

Vanquest describes it as "[d]esigned for covert operations and urban settings, the RACKIT-36 Covert rifle pack provides discreet and secure transportation of your carbine with a rapid deployment capability." Although I suppose it may look rather benign to someone not familiar with concealed carry, the shape is different enough from a standard backpack that it still seems to stick out. It doesn't appear to offer enough volume to carry the gear for a viable get-home bag or a bug-out-bag, and the single shoulder strap doesn't seem like it would be viable for long distance carry. So, the use seems restricted to carrying a carbine concealed over a short distance from a vehicle to where the weapon can be extracted and stock unfolded/adjusted for use.

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