Monday, March 2, 2015

Air Force Satellite Destroyed With Directed Energy Weapon?

The Daily Mail reports:
A 20-year-old US Air Force satellite has exploded in space, adding 43 pieces of space junk to Earth’s orbit, reports have claimed. 
The explosion happened on 3 February due to a sudden temperature spike, although the event has only just come to light. 
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Air Force Space Command said the power subsystem experienced 'a sudden spike in temperature'. 
This was followed by 'an unrecoverable loss of altitude control', before pieces of debris were then spotted in the vicinity of the satellite - suggesting it had partially, or completely, exploded.
The satellite was in a geosynchronous orbit used for weather satellites and spy satellites.


  1. Alien UFO Destroys Satellite To Send Warning To Earth, March 1, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

  2. I guess I should explain that the reasons that I think it may have been a directed energy weapon is because (a) the sudden temperature spike, and (b) the Air Force remained mum about it for a month (notwithstanding the additional space junk) until an independent observer reported on the debris field. Assuming it was a directed energy weapon, who did it? One is tempted to say that the Air Force did it, but would they sacrifice an operational weather satellite, even if it was only being used as a backup? On a more mundane level, could someone have hacked the satellite and somehow caused the temperature spike?


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