Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Jihadist Murder Spree of Ali Muhammad Brown Is Getting More Attention

The Daily Mail now has an article on him and his activities. From the story:

The full scale of an extremist's determination to wage a 'one man jihad' on American soil that ended with him shooting dead four men in revenge for military action in the Middle East can be revealed today.
Records show Ali Muhammad Brown, 29, has confessed that he killed the men - including University of Richmond student Brendan Tevlin - because 'all these lives are taken every single day by America, by this government. So a life for a life'. 
Now MailOnline can reveal that he was arrested and prosecuted a decade ago for his role in a self-confessed 'Muslim Crew's' fraud scheme to raise money for fighters abroad, because 'you can't go to war broke.' 
Essex County authorities originally viewed 19-year-old Brendan Tevlin as the 'simple victim of an intent to rob'.  
The New Jersey teenager was on his way home from a friend's house, on June 25 when Brown and two accomplices approached his car at a West Orange intersection and allegedly shot the promising young student multiple times. 
Today Brown, 29, is in custody in Essex County. He faces four counts of aggravated murder in the first degree. He also faces three more murder charges for those he allegedly carried out across the summer in Seattle. 
Authorities face the troubling possibility that the execution style killings which saw all victims shot multiple times with a 9mm pistol were actually acts of terrorism as Brown waged his personal Holy War. 
Brendan's parents, Michael and Allison Tevlin, have always maintained that their son was targeted by a single-minded killer. 
Court documents claim that Brown told investigators that he considered it his mission to kill Tevlin as an act of 'vengeance'. He went onto describe the murder as a 'just kill'. He stated that as part of his beliefs, if a 'man sees evil then he must take action against that evil.' 
According to prosecutors Brown, views US military intervention in the Islamic world as that 'evil' against which he must act. 
Now court documents seen by MailOnline seem to show that the authorities were aware of Brown's fundamentalism more than a decade ago. 
Brown was arrested on November 17, 2004, one of 14 men swooped on by federal agents following an investigation into a fraud ring suspected of defrauding banks across the country with the aim of funding terrorist groups in Somalia. 
Investigators could not prove that any money was moved overseas and Brown was charged along with three others, including his two half-brothers Karim Abdhullah Assalaam and Attawwaab Muhammad Fard, on multiple counts of conspiracy to commit bank fraud. 
Taped conversations between gang members and the FBI’s informants make for chilling reading. 
In one Assalaam, now 47, explained that his 'whole Muslim crew' were involved in the on-going bank fraud scheme to raise funds not only for personal gain but because, 'you can't go to war broke'. 
The men referred to their scheme as 'The Game' and Assalaam told another informant that the money, 'goes to help our Muslim brothers and sisters.' He said, 'It goes to the Cause, not like it goes to me and you.' 
Using the Arabic slur for 'nonbelievers' he said, 'We need the money to get back at the Kafirs.'
Related Posts: "Jihadist Serial Killer?"

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