Friday, September 5, 2014

"How To Make Minimalist Running/Climbing Shoes at Home"

My son found this video, which I thought was pretty interesting. You don't have to make them in the red/orange.

I have a pair of the Vibram KSO shoes. I like to wear them when in the desert because the cheatgrass seeds don't seem to stick into the shoes, like they do with regular shoes or socks (where the seeds get stuck and poke into the skin). For that reason, I don't think the DIY type in the video would work as well because it uses a sock as a basis. But, I also find the minimalist shoes more comfortable for general walking on unpaved trails of any type, and they are quieter--like modern day moccasins. I guess I like the ability to sense the ground through my feet. However, I don't like them on pavement because it is too hard of an impact.

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