Sunday, September 21, 2014

A Fun Project With the Kids

(Video Link)

Just a couple of points I would make. Although both the written instructions and the video recommend using a hot glue gun, which is faster, I think I'm going to use Elmer's glue on the next version. The hot glue starts to cool so fast that it is hard to adjust pieces before the glue sets up, and it leaves gaps and excess glue that is difficult to remove. So, even though Elmer's glue will take longer to allow it to fully dry, I think the end product will be better.

The written instructions don't include wrapping around the bow springs, as in the video. You will need to do the wrapping--otherwise, the bow assembly will pop apart.

I found that using a Q-tip with one end cut off worked better than a match, although it may depend on the device.

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