Monday, June 17, 2024

Give A Man A Hammer .... UK Police Edition

 From the New York Post: "Cop suspended after horrifying video shows him repeatedly ram calf with patrol car." When I first saw the headline, I thought the idiot was trying to get the calf to move off a road. But the story indicates that the cops were trying to capture the calf and put it in a trailer. My guess is the officer was simply following his training which required that a suspect be taken to the ground and then handcuffed or zip-tied. Walking up to it and putting a rope around its neck to lead it to the trailer would have required actual thinking. 


  1. I wonder if it was a "new" British person who was the cop?

    1. I wondered that, myself, given what I know about their native cultures but couldn't tell from the photographs accompanying the article. On the other hand, US law enforcement officers generally seem to have a greater propensity toward killing animals, so it wouldn't surprise me if it were the same in the UK.


Weekend Reading

Last week, I had mentioned Jon Low's September 15, 2024, newsletter in my post " The Future Of Self-Defense May Involve Defense A...