Monday, June 3, 2024

Evolution in Action: Three Friends Swept Away In Flood Because Didn't Want To Get Wet

The Daily Mail reports: "Three friends filmed hugging each other before being swept to their deaths in flash flood 'were only two metres from safety but did not want to wade through chest-high water'"--Daily Mail. Two women and a man. The bodies of the two women have been recovered but the man's is still missing according to the article. 


  1. I hope their cell phones kept dry.

    1. What makes it worse is that there was a fireman on the shore ready to throw a lifeline to them once they got close to shore, but wasn't able to get the line all the way to where they were standing.


Uvalde Police Chief Charged For Botched Response To Shooting

 The Daily Mail reports that " Uvalde school police chief Pedro Arredondo and another officer are charged with child endangerment over ...