Monday, June 3, 2024

Diversity Is A Strength: Venezuelan Illegal Shoots Two NY Police Officers

Another from the Daily Mail: "Venezuelan migrant shoots two NYPD cops after they tried pulling him over on illegal scooter." The article indicates that Bernardo Raul Castro-Mata, 19, shot two officers in East Elmhurst overnight after they pulled him over for riding an unregistered motorbike the wrong way down a one-way street. "He allegedly responded by opening fire on the officers using an unlicensed gun before fleeing on foot at around 1.40am, NYPD said. One officer was struck in the leg while the other sustained a shot to their bulletproof vest." Also, the article indicates that "[a]lthough Castro-Mata has not previously been arrested in New York City, police believe he is part of a group which has been using mopeds and scooters to commit violent robberies around the Big Apple." Castro-Mata entered the country through Eagle Pass, Texas, just last year the article relates. 


  1. He's undocumented so I bet he thought nothing needed to be documented.

  2. If only there were gun laws in NYC!

    1. Right? I think New York might be able to solve a lot of its crime problem by adopting a penal code outlawing certain types of acts and behavior.


Weekend Reading

Last week, I had mentioned Jon Low's September 15, 2024, newsletter in my post " The Future Of Self-Defense May Involve Defense A...