Wednesday, September 9, 2020

E-Book Resources: Explosives, Blasting, And Treating Blast Injuries

 So when I discussed some of the more general sources of info recently, I generally listed some major repositories with the warning that you would need to explore those repositories to find the books and information that might interest you. But I thought I would periodically post more specific links to a collection, library, or specific titles that would be of interest to the prepper/survivalist.

     Today's topic has to do with explosives. While some may wonder at the relevance of explosives to prepping, the fact is that explosives play an important role in an industrialized society, such as for demolition, mining, excavation, and other specialized tasks. Even fire and rescue work may require breaching explosives to provide quick access through a ship's hull or a wall, or explosives may be used to blow out a fire at an oil or gas well. The author of the book, The Knowledge, discusses explosives and how necessary they would be to restarting civilization. In a post-apocalypse setting, you may not have ready access to commercially manufactured explosives and have to manufacture your own. Of course, explosives and blasting operations pose special dangers to health and safety. Some books and articles I came across recently in no particular order:
  • Explosives (6th Ed.) by Rudolf Meyer, Josef Köhler, Axel Homburg (PDF).
  • The Preparatory Manual of Explosives by Jared Ledgard (DJVU).
  • Organic Chemistry of Explosives by Jai Prakash Agrawal and Robert Hodgson (PDF).
  • The Chemistry of Powder and Explosives by Tenney L. Davis (PDF).
  • Explosives Engineering by Paul W. Cooper (PDF).
  • Engineering Rock Blasting Operations by Sushil Bhandari (PDF).
  • Rock Blasting & Overbreak Control by Calvin J. Konya and Edward J. Walter (PDF).
  • Blasting in Ground Excavations and Mines by B. Singh, P. Pal Roy, R. B. Singh, and A. Bagchi (PDF).
  • Rotary Drilling and Blasting in Large Surface Mines by Balchandra V. Gokhale (PDF).
  • Explosives and Blasting Procedures Manual by Richard A. Dick, Larry R. Fletcher and Dennis V. D'Andrea (PDF).
  • Seabee Quarry Blasting Operations and Safety Manual by Department of the Army (PDF).
  • Rock Blasting Terms and Symbols: A Dictionary of Symbols and Terms in Rock Blasting and Related Areas like Drilling, Mining and Rock Mechanics edited by Agne Rustan (PDF).
  • High Explosives and Propellants by S. Fordham (2nd Ed.) (PDF).
  • High Energy Materials: Propellants, Explosives and Pyrotechnics by Jai Prakash Agrawal (PDF).
  • Propellants and Explosives: Thermochemical Aspects of Combustion by Naminosuke Kubota (1st Edition PDF) (2nd Edition PDF).
  • Explosives, Propellants and Pyrotechnics (Brassey's World Military Technology) by A. Bailey and S. G. Murray (PDF).
  • TM 31-210 Improvised Munitions (PDF).
  • Explosives - The Anarchist Arsenal (Improvised Incendiary & Explosives Techniques) by David Harber (PDF).
  • The Anarchist Arsenal: Improvised Incendiary & Explosives Techniques by David Harber (PDF).
  • Advanced Anarchist Arsenal: Recipes For Improvised Incendiaries And Explosives by David Harber (PDF).
  • Improvised Munitions Black Book Vol. 1 by Desert Publications (PDF).
  • Black Book Companion: State-Of-The-Art Improvised Munitions by Paladin Press (PDF).
  • Big Bang: Improvised PETN And Mercury Fulminate by John Galt (PDF).
  • Improvised Land Mines: Employment And Destructive Capabilities by David Harber (PDF).
  • Incendiaries Advanced Improvised Explosives by Seymour Lecker (PDF).
  • Home Workshop Explosives by Uncle Fester (PDF).
  • Kitchen improvised fertilizer explosives by  Tim Lewis (PDF).
  • Better Living Through Plastic Explosives by Gartner Zsuzsi (EPUB) (MOBI) (FB2).
  • Scientific Principles Of Improvised Warfare And Home Defense (Explosives) by T. Tobiason (PDF).
  • FMX: The Revised Black Book: A Guide To Field-Manufactured Explosives by William Wallace (PDF).
  • Improvised Shape Charges by Desert Publications (PDF).
Note: Some of the preceding are serious textbooks or treatises, while others are of more dubious sources. Use at your own risk

Some books on the detection of explosives:
  • Aspects of Explosives Detection by Maurice Marshall and Jimmie C. Oxley (PDF).
  • Counterterrorist Detection Techniques of Explosives by Jehuda Yinon (PDF).
  • Explosives and Chemical Weapons Identification James B. Crippin (PDF). 
  • Trace Chemical Sensing of Explosives edited by Ronald L. Woodfin (PDF). 
  • Detection of Liquid Explosives and Flammable Agents in Connection with Terrorism (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics) edited by Hiltmar Schubert and Andrey Kuznetsov (PDF).
  • Detection and Disposal of Improvised Explosives (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics) edited by Hiltmar Schubert and Andrey Kuznetsov (PDF).
And should you be injured, here is some additional reading material to give to your doctor:
DisclaimerI'm not the author of any of the documents or things linked above and cannot vouch for their accuracy or completeness--use them at your own risk. I am not responsible for the posting or offering of any of the documents or things in the collections and/or libraries and have no control over whether they are posted or taken down.


  1. It's a shame that what was once seen as a "hobby" will now put a person on a watch list. Today, people can buy house-shaking fireworks like mortar shells, but making your own is a no-no. I remember being a kid back in the 1980's and we used to buy cannon fuse and make all sorts of noisemakers using black powder or components from disassembled fireworks. Our parents didn't mind either, and sometimes even Dad joined in the fun...or at least watched the show. One used to be able to mail order "pyrotechnic supplies" from catalogs...and it was perfectly legal. I haven't done the research lately, but I'm going to assume that no such places exist today.

    1. A combination of a society where people don’t want to be responsible for their own actions but sue anyone with deep pockets; and a nanny state.


When "Liberal Democracy" Means "The Will Of The Elites"

Vox Day had a post today on how "clown world" inverts and uses definitions of terms that are false and intentionally misleading . ...