Monday, April 7, 2014

Dealing with Doom and Gloom...

... some advice from Stephen Green:
It’s difficult to enough to fight vainly the old ennui — where are we going to find the energy to fight all the new? 
And so I present to you the VodkaPundit Plan for Dealing with It All™. 
Take 30 minutes after work each day and do with them what you will. But there is a short list of do-nots. 
Do not:
● Discuss work.
● Read the news.
● Turn on the TV.
● Perform any chores more involved than making a cocktail for you and yours, if you imbibe.
Take 30 minutes — just 1/48th of your day — to be unencumbered by any issue bigger than telling your kids to take it outside, or if you’re feeling really ambitious, to walk all the way over to the liquor cabinet to refill your beverage. 
Take those 30 minutes and make them yours. 
It’s not like the world is going to end if you do.
(Note: I'm not endorsing that anyone take up drinking by posting this--merely that we need to take a breather from the rest of the world).

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