Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Second Advent by Charles W. Penrose

Elder Charles W. Penrose wrote in 1859 an article entitled "The Second Advent," summarizing the events prior to the Second Coming. A few points that I found interesting. First, he writes about the general state of the world:
On the other hand, through the rejection of this Gospel, which "shall be preached to all the world as a witness" of the coming of Christ, the world will increase in confusion, doubt and horrible strife. As the upright in heart, the meek of the earth, withdraw from their midst, so will the Spirit of God also be withdrawn from them. The darkness upon their minds in relation to eternal things will become blacker, nations will engage in frightful and bloody warfare, the crimes which are now becoming so frequent will be of continual occurrence, the ties that bind together families and kindred will be disregarded and violated, the passions of human nature will be put to the vilest uses, the very elements around will seem to be affected by the national and social convulsions that will agitate the world, and storms, earthquakes, and appalling disasters, by sea and land will cause terror and dismay among the people; new diseases will silently eat their ghastly way through the ranks of the wicked; the earth, soaked with gore and defiled with the filthiness of her inhabitants, will begin to withhold her fruits in their season; the waves of the sea will heave themselves beyond their bounds, and all things will be in commotion; and in the midst of all these calamities, the master-minds among nations will be taken away, and fear will take hold of the hearts of all men.
He discusses that the Jews will return to Judah and reestablish a homeland, and that the people of the Earth would be divided into three general groups:

First, the Saints of God gathered to one place on the western continent, called Zion, busily preparing for his appearance in their midst as their redeemer, who had shed his blood for their salvation, now coming to reign over them and to reward them for their labours in establishing his government:
Second, the Jews gathered to Jerusalem and also expecting the Messiah, but not believing that Jesus of Nazareth was the Son of God, and being in danger of destruction from their Gentile enemies:
Third, the corrupt nations and kingdoms of men, who, rejecting the light of the Gospel, are unprepared for the Lord’s advent and are almost ripe for destruction.

 The bankrupt nations, envying the wealth of the sons of Judah, will seek a pretext to make war upon them, and will invade the "holy land" to "take a prey and a spoil." 
Elder Penrose also wrote that there would be three appearances by Christ: first, unknown to the world at large, He will appear to the Saints; second, He will appear at Jerusalem to rescue Israel; and third, finally, appearing in his glory to the world, to destroy the wicked and introduce His Millennial reign.

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