Leave Nonessentials at HomeRead the whole thing.
Take a critical look at your packing list and off-load (or substitute) these items.
>> Wallet 6 oz. Bring only your insurance card, ID, and some cash
>> Food packaging 4 oz. Discard boxes; measure servings into zip-top bags
>> Pillow 6 oz. Fill your sleeping bag hood with rolled-up clothes
>> Extra pot 8 oz. Plan one-pot meals, use nonstick for easy cleanup
>> Camp shoes 10 oz. Unlace boots and switch socks to walk around camp
>> Stuffsacks 20 oz. Stuff clothes into pack corners; roll your tent
>> Guidebook 9 oz. Photocopy the pages you want to reference
>> Trowel 3 oz. Dig catholes with a sturdy stick or tent stake
>> Repair kit 4 oz. Pack a tiny sewing kit, tube of SeamGrip, and safety pins
>> Water filter 15 oz. Use chemical or UV treatment instead
Weight saved 5+ lbs.
Exploring practical methods for preparing for the end times, including analysis of end time scripture and prophecy, current events, prepping and self-defense.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Lighten Your Load--Tips for Saving Weight When Backpacking
Backpacker Magazine has published a short article describing some tips and tricks to lighten your backpacking load. Some of these may be useful in a bugout situation, although I would be reluctant to go without some of the items. Some of their recommendations:
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Political Violence Up
Violence is inherent in leftist politics, as exemplified by Communists being the most prolific mass murderers in human history. It has to do...
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