Monday, December 24, 2012

Christianity Close to Extinction in Middle-East

The Telegraph reports that Christianity is nearly extinct in the Middle-East. It was the dominant religion throughout the Middle-East for nearly 1000 years until the 13th and 14th century, until pogroms and persecution by Muslims decimated Christian populations (and precipitated the permanent decline of Middle-Eastern civilization). From the story:
... The report, by the think tank Civitas, says: “It is generally accepted that many faith-based groups face discrimination or persecution to some degree. ...
... The study warns that Christians suffer greater hostility across the world than any other religious group.

And it claims politicians have been “blind” to the extent of violence faced by Christians in Africa, Asia and the Middle East.

The most common threat to Christians abroad is militant Islam, it says, claiming that oppression in Muslim countries is often ignored because of a fear that criticism will be seen as “racism”.

It warns that converts from Islam face being killed in Saudi Arabia, Mauritania and Iran and risk severe legal penalties in other countries across the Middle East.

... "A far less widely grasped fact is that Christians are targeted more than any other body of believers.”

It cites estimates that 200 million Christians, or 10 per cent of Christians worldwide, are “socially disadvantaged, harassed or actively oppressed for their beliefs.”

... State hostility towards Christianity is particularly rife in China, where more Christians are imprisoned than in any other country in the world, according to the report.

... “There is now a serious risk that Christianity will disappear from its biblical heartlands,” it claims.
 Are we in the tribulation period? Probably not yet, but these are undoubtedly the Saints that will cry for God's vengeance as described in Revelations.

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