Thursday, March 15, 2012

Financial Collapse

People speak of the 16 trillion debt? As astonishing that amount is – it is nothing when compared to the $100 trillion represented by inflationary legacy costs that face the United States alone. Watch for what is happening not in Greece – there are examples far closer to home. Watch what is now underway in New York, Californian, Illinois. As the number of retirees rise – the foundation for those economies face total collapse. And once those somewhat localized bond markets collapse…it threatens the entire system. Once a country like China then pulls back…as they likely will…the entire system dissipates. I am convinced in fact that is very much part of THEIR plan – China’s plan for the United States. What this country did to initiate the collapse of the Soviet Union – so too is a version of that now being done to us.

Everything. This reality that the printing of false paper has created…it ceases to exist. And while there are those who might say “good” let the system collapse…they have no idea what they are saying. They have no idea of the dangers to themselves, their loved ones, the future of everything and anything we hold dear.

And when the United States collapses into itself…when some of the leading economies of the world share in the consequence of mutual economic destruction that so many have participated in…it will be the globalized economic message of the IMF that will fill that void. It will be the United Nations that will step in and exponentially expand its governing powers. Unionization. The false Green Economy. The plight of Israel and the chaos of the Middle East. All these agendas are of like mind – but they cannot fully succeed unless the American economy finally and completely fails.
What he is saying matches up with what others have been warning about in connection with public pensions. (See, e.g., here and here and here).

Also, note what the Wall Street Insider says about a possible rift between the Administration and the military.

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