Monday, July 29, 2024

Nation States vs. Multicultural Empires

    I watched a video from Black Pigeon Speaks the other day on the topic of "WHY China's UNICULTURAL EDGE Terrifies Pentagon Planners." (I've embedded the video below for your convenience). 

    Without going into too much detail, the video references a declassified 2013 Pentagon report, The Strategic Consequences of Chinese Racism: A Strategic Asymmetry for the United States, discussing that China views the multiculturalism of the United States as a weakness and vulnerability, while China's strong "uniculture" (i.e., homogeneous culture and strong national ties) provides China with a strategic advantage. (For more information, see "The Unicultural Edge" by Steve Sailer at Taki's Magazine; or you can download the full report here). A notable quote from the report, which is mentioned in the video, goes:

The United States used to be a strong society that the Chinese respected when it was unicultural, defined by the centrality of AngloProtestant culture at the core of American national identity aligned with the political ideology of liberalism, the rule of law, and free market capitalism. The Chinese see multiculturalism as a sickness that has overtaken the United States, and a component of U.S. decline.

The video mostly focused on the strength of the ties between China and the Chinese diaspora, particularly in South East Asia, with Black Pigeon offering up his own experiences interacting with the Chinese in Thailand and his thoughts on why the Chinese diaspora has maintained its racial and cultural purity, for lack of a better term. We, in fact, see this in operation in the United States where the Chinese government makes use of Chinese living in the United States to engage in espionage, and is now busy smuggling Chinese illegals of military age into the United States.

    As is sometimes the case when watching a video or reading an article or book, it can offer insight into another issue or topic. The fact of the matter is that China, while acting as an empire over many of its neighbors--the video makes clear that the Chinese diaspora is generally an economically dominant class or group in most South East Asian countries--has avoided the fate of other empires (e.g., the Roman Empire or the Ottoman Empire) in breaking apart--often irreparably--following civilizational collapse. And I think that China's resilience in the face of invasion and occupation (e.g., the Mongols), state collapse (e.g., the warring states period), or economic decline (e.g., Western dominance of South East Asia in the 19th Century) is because that its core nation--its people and culture--provided a solid foundation on which to build. To borrow from the scriptures, its people and culture are the rock on which it was built.

    But what about countries and empires built on a foundation of sand? Because that is what is multiculturalism. It turns a nation's people and culture into an atomized conglomerate of disparate peoples and cultures that only hang together while times are good but cannot weather a storm. The collapse of the Roman Empire is a great example of this. Between the importation of slaves, the beggaring of its native people, and barbarian migrations, Romans were diluted and, for all intents and purposes, disappeared. The result was that after its fall, the Roman Empire never reconstituted in any form; and, in fact, the Italian peninsula was a hodgepodge of small states and kingdoms until the latter half of the 19th Century.

    The United States is more atomized as to peoples and cultures than almost any empire or state in history. What will be its fate when it finally collapses? I suspect that like Humpty Dumpty, all the king's horses and all the king's men will not be able to put it together again.

VIDEO: "WHY China's UNICULTURAL EDGE Terrifies Pentagon Planners"
Black Pigeon Speaks (15 min.)


  1. This is (part of) what I've been trying to say.

    1. I think it safe to say that all of our major institutions--and I mean all--have failed Western men. Given the number of times in history where male populations have disappeared but the female populations appear to have intermarried with the invaders, invasion doesn't mean as much to women as it does to men; and it probably explains why our feminized institutions don't care whether the white male goes extinct.


Weekend Reading

 First up, although I'm several days late on this, Jon Low posted a new Defensive Pistolcraft newsletter on 12/15/2024 . He includes thi...