Monday, October 31, 2022

Books for Your Basic Training

Some more e-books I came across that I thought might interest my readers who believe that we are facing a civil war and/or large scale social unrest beyond just protecting your house or neighborhood. The first-aid/medical manuals are of interest because they also include information on NBC related injuries or treatment that you won't find in a civilian manual. Please note that I've only perused or read a couple of these books/manuals, and I haven't served in the military, so please don't take this as my recommendations as to any particular book or course of training:

  • The Official U.S. Army Combat Skills Handbook (PDF) by Matt Larsen. This is a compilation of material from numerous Army manuals and publications including but not limited to STP 7-11B1-SM-TG, Soldier's Manual and Trainer's Guide MOS 11B Infantry, Skill Level 1 (Aug. 6, 2004) and STP 21-1-SMCT, Soldier's Manual of Common Tasks, Skill Level 1 (Sep. 11, 2012). Covers first aid and preventative medicine, environmental conditions (desert, jungle, arctic), combatives, cover and concealment, fighting positions, general movement, movement and techniques for the urban environment, observation and reporting, combat marksmanship and weapons, communications, SERE, mines and demolition, and explosive devices.
    • Alternate Selection: STP 21-1-SMCT, Soldier's Manual of Common Tasks, Skill Level 1 (Jun. 18, 2009) (PDF). Basic first aid, NBC training, basic movement and drills, navigation, communications, weapons, and miscellaneous defensive skills.
  • Light Infantry Tactics For Small Teams by Christopher E. Larsen (PDF). Basic individual and leadership competencies, patrolling methods, defensive procedures, and offensive operations oriented. You might want to pick up the print version of this as it would be easier to use.
  • SH 21-76 Ranger Handbook (Feb. 2011) (PDF). This is a very clear and clean copy unlike many other PDFs you might find.
  • The Home Schooled Shootist: Training to Fight With a Carbine by Joe Nobody (epub). I have the print copy of this book as well as downloading this copy. It would probably be best to have both. The print copy is easier to use but the photographs and illustrations are black and white, whereas the photos in the e-book are in color with higher resolution.
    • Alternate: FM 3-22.9 Rifle Marksmanship M16-/M4-Series Weapons (Aug. 2008) (PDF).
  • U.S. Army Combat Pistol Training Handbook (epub). Not my first (or even second) choice for a pistol training manual, but since this post is primarily oriented around military manuals or military style training, here it is. 
  • UNITED STATES ARMY COMBATIVES SCHOOL Basic Combatives Course (Level I) Handbook (PDF). If your background is civilian marital arts or self-defense classes, this is useful because it illustrates defensive concepts while carrying/using a rifle or carbine.

And for some advanced or specialized training:

  • U.S. Army Survival, Evasion, and Recovery (epub). This appears to be a commercial printing of FM 21-76-1. Consider this additional information on field craft and first aid.
  • U.S. Army Map Reading and Land Navigation Handbook (PDF) by Department of the Army. This appears to be a commercially published version of FM 3-25.26 (FM 21-26).
  • U.S. Army First Aid Manual (epub). This appears to be a compilation of first aid materials from various Army manuals and publications.
  • TM 9-1005-319-23 M16 Maintenance Manual (Dec. 1996) (PDF). Not an armorer's manual but goes over maintenance, including preventative maintenance. 
  • MCTP 3-01C Machine Guns and Machine Gun Gunnery (May 2, 2016) (PDF).
  • FM 5-250 Explosives and Demolitions (Jul 30, 1998) (PDF)
  • FMFM 0-7 Close Combat And Hand To Hand Fighting (Jul 9, 1993) (PDF). This is the Marine Corp manual.
    • Alternate selection: FM 21-150 Combatives (Sep. 30, 1992) (PDF).
  • U.S. Army Guide To Military Mountaineering (epub). Includes first-aid/medical topics related to cold weather and high altitude.
  • Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook (Jun 1, 2001) (PDF). Browsing through this, I was very impressed. It appears to me that this is probably as close as you will come to a complete course in medicine and surgery short of going to medical school. Much more detailed than Where There Is No Doctor while still covering a wider range of topics. Even includes sections on podiatry, dentistry, and basic veterinary medicine.

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