Wednesday, February 13, 2019

POTD: The Palace Theater in Gary, Indiana

Source: "Crumbling schools, a gothic church in ruin and a theatre left to rot: Haunting photographs show Michael Jackson's hometown in Gary, Indiana, left abandoned after the US steel industry's decline"--Daily Mail.


  1. Great shot. I am an amateur photographer, thinking about taking a day trip to Gary from Chicago. Will I be able to get into the Palace theater? Is it safe? Any other buildings that you can recommend?

    1. Sorry, but this was something I was reposting from a news article (see the caption below the photograph), so I don't have any personal knowledge about the theater.

  2. This is not the Palace. This is a high school.

    1. That's a big auditorium for a high school. Obviously from a time when the improvement of children was a priority.


When "Liberal Democracy" Means "The Will Of The Elites"

Vox Day had a post today on how "clown world" inverts and uses definitions of terms that are false and intentionally misleading . ...