Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Layering Strategy to Food Storage

Ready Nutrition has posted an article involving the concept of layering, and applying it to food storage. From the article:

When planning for emergencies, layering is an ever-constant theme. I often emphasize when one begins to prepare that you start simply by preparing for small-scale emergencies, and then slowly begin adding onto those existing preps to create a longer term preparedness supply. These emergency layers help you create a reliable foundation, and the same layering approach can be used when creating a food storage pantry.There are some emergency food considerations to keep in mind:
  • The amount of people in the household.
  • Have a good amount of food varieties to reduce food fatigue.
  • The serving size of the food.
  • Vitamin content in the food.
  • The expiration date or “best if used by” labels on the food.
  • Special health conditions for family members.
Additionally, these essential food pantry rules can come in handy when you decide on which food to purchase.
The author then discusses four "layers": (i) 0-72 hours, (ii) 4-30 days, (iii) 31-99 days, and (iv) 100-365+ days. Read the whole thing.

(H/t Daily Survival).

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