Saturday, October 8, 2011

Will Obama Instigate Race Riots?

I've come across a couple items recently that suggest that Obama's re-election strategy will involve instigating riots.

First, an interview with a White House "Insider." (Note: There are many questions about whether this "Insider" is real or fictitious. However, if real, we are heading into dangerous times). In it, the "Insider" states that Obama's reelection strategy is based around race.
It’s not gonna come so easy as it did in 2008, but that’s why they plan to ramp it up – the race issue.  Look, you got generations of voters in this country who have been hammered with guilt for being white.  Schools, television, movies…decades of this racism sh*t coming at them from all sides.  White guilt is very real. I’ve used it-done it myself… countless times in an election campaign.  And for Barack Obama…his re-election team – they are banking on it bringing victory in 2012.  Even if it means the threat of race riots.  They are willing to go that far – go down that road if need be.  If the Obama team can’t guilt enough of White America into voting for them in 2012 – they are just fine with trying to scare the sh*t out of them to do it. 
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The race card, the racial thing – whatever it’s gonna be called, it is the number one asset this administration believes it has to win in 2012.  Their own polling data has shown that to be true over and over again.  But how far are they willing to push that?  Race.  The charges of racism?  I believe all the way if they have to.  And they are gonna get people stirred up.  And if Barack Obama doesn’t win re-election, watch them stand back while the riots break out, and watch them mouth the words “Burn baby burn.”  I don’t think they are willing to go that far, I know it.  If they can’t have America, nobody will.  That’s how big – that’s how important this election coming up is. 
But this is not all. On October 6, 2011, Rush Limbaugh related almost the same thing from a confidential source, specifically:

I wish I could tell you who, but a very prominent person asked me to never mention his name in this regard, but for months he has been telling me, "You watch, Rush, do not doubt me," he said to me, "Obama is setting up riots.  He is fanning the flames for riots and eventual violence.  That's all he's got."
This might sound alarmist, but here is the "chatter" from the Left:

Harrison Schultz, self-proclaimed sociologist and "Occupy Wall Street" organizer, told Al Sharpton that:  "This Is the Beginning of a Revolution in This Country"

Frances Fox Piven: "I teach at the Graduate School of the City University of New York. I am here because I am so enthusiastic about the possibilities of this sit-in, over the marches that are occurring over postal worker issues, the sister demonstrations that are starting in Chicago and Los Angeles, and maybe in Boston. I think we desperately need a popular uprising in the United States. None of us know. I study movements. None of us know the exact formula for when those movements erupt, but it could be. And if that is true, then these people who are here are really wonderful. I would do anything to help them."

Hoffa Threatens GOP At Obama Event: "President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. Let's take these son of bitches out and give America back to an America where we belong."

Jackson Jackson warned in a Newsmax interview that New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg might have a point when he predicted rioting on the streets. “There is real tension in the streets because people are becoming so desperate,” he said. “We’re really on the edge of an explosion.”

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