Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Research Shows That Facemasks Stopped Working Against Covid In Feb. 2022

The Daily Mail reports that "Facemasks haven't stopped people getting Covid since February 2022,  research shows." The explanation is that February 2022 was when the omicron variant became the dominant variant, and that omicron was so infectious (because it infected the upper respiratory tract) that face masks were useless against it. In other words, the researchers are admitting that the original version of Covid that caused all the lockdowns, social distancing, masks, and other B.S. "safety theater" wasn't very infectious because even a mask that had gaps all around it and could barely filter dust was effective in stopping its spread. (Of course, other research has shown that masks never made a difference). 


  1. Sheeple who still wear masks are Biden voters.

    1. Yes. I feel bad for the kids whose parents still force them to wear masks.


Science! (#2)

  Source  Some more "sciency" articles that have caught my attention recently: " Elites are genetically different "--Apo...