Thursday, December 17, 2015

Diagram of a Vietcong Tunnel Complex

I found this diagram to be interesting:

Source: Survivalist Boards (more information, including video and photos, at the link)


  1. Interesting diagram. If this complex is on flat ground, forced ventilation is almost a requirement - definitely a requirement if any kind of fire is used for cooking. If on a hillside, natural ventilation (air movement via intake at lower elevation openings, and exhaust at higher elevation openings) will provide necessary ventilation. Ventilation of underground workings/complexes is not a trivial problem - at least if those inhabiting the workings/complexes are going to be breathing safe air.

    1. Good point. There must have been techniques developed for 19th century mining/construction that would be simple to implement.

    2. Nineteenth century mine ventilation techniques still relied on mechanical fans of some sort, although they were crude by current standards.

      Pre-industrial revolution mine ventilation at best consisted of multiple vertical shafts (or a single shaft split in two, with one side being for fresh air and the other for exhaust) with some mechanism, such as a fire, to force the flow of air via convection. There is also research suggesting ancient miners may have used wind deflectors to deflect the air of prevailing winds down shafts - again multiple shafts were required.


Political Violence Up

Violence is inherent in leftist politics, as exemplified by Communists being the most prolific mass murderers in human history. It has to do...