Saturday, October 3, 2015

"How to Stop Mass Shootings"

People like Piers Morgan love the pictures of blood and dead bodies so they can beat their drum of gun control or malign gun owners. Piers Morgan, for instance, likes to blame the NRA for mass shootings without ever bothering to explain the cause and effect. We might as well ascribe the recent Oregon shooting to the British government (the shooter was British), or atheist groups (the shooter was supposedly anti-religious).

What no one offers is an explanation of these mass shootings (other than the person was "mentally disturbed") or a solution on stopping or reducing their incidence. Except for Milo Yiannopoulos. Writing at Breitbart, Yiannopoulos suggests in his article "How to Stop Mass Shootings" that the mass shootings--at least those we are seeing in the United States--is a direct result of the breakdown of the traditional family and traditional marriage, and its inevitable alienation of lower status males. Yiannopoulos observes:
In a sense, what happened yesterday was also a suicide. A spectacularly melodramatic suicide from a man in pain who wanted to hurt the world that had hurt him. Society has got to start treating boys better if it wants to avoid more of this in the future.
He further explains:
The breakdown of the nuclear family is a euphemistic phrase used to describe a more troubling picture: there are more absent fathers now and vanishingly few positive male role models for young men to admire and emulate. This is often fuelled, or at least endorsed, by wrongheaded progressives who want to tear down supposedly patriarchal institutions.

But it is those patriarchal institutions, if you like, that for centuries provided the sort of structure, order and role models that young men need.

Masculinity isn’t fragile, as a spiteful, sociopathic feminist Twitter hashtag recently claimed. But — and here’s where some man-hating feminists almost get it right — it is powerful, and exciting, and it does have a flip-side if not properly respected. At its best, male competitiveness is the driving force behind most of society’s progress. We would be nowhere without the patriarchy, from the internet and space travel to the road under your feet and the roof on your house. The same thing that drives mass shooters inspires courage, too.

That doesn’t mean masculinity is “toxic.” What’s toxic is society’s attitudes towards men. Masculinity only becomes “toxic” when it is beaten down and suppressed and when men are told that what and who they are is defective. It becomes toxic when young boys are drugged in school because they don’t conform to feminine standards of behaviour.

What’s worse is that the media ridicules, criticises, punishes and demonises masculinity, then uses the product of its own hatred to justify more man-hating, in a Kafkaesque cycle of progressive insanity that has only one, inevitable consequence: more innocent dead people.

Progressives don’t see the irony in going after “straight white men.” But they are hypocritical bigots, hounding people for gender, skin colour and sexuality and saying that essential male characteristics are wrong. Men must be allowed to compete. To fight. To shoot things. Today’s man-punishing, feminised culture is creating killers by suppressing these urges. We have to stop it.

The confusion and alienation that so many young men feel today drives some to drop out of society completely and to retreat into pornography and video games. But others — the less stable, less supported, less able to cope with their natures — become progressively more angry until they explode in rage and pain.
Unfortunately, it is not just the Left that is bashing men and masculinity.  Other writers--most especially Dalrock--have documented and discussed how mainstream Christian denominations have similarly swallowed the feminist pill, albeit sugar coated with a Christian sounding explanation. Even many in my own denomination suffer under similar delusions. But, as we are warned, in the last days even the very elect will be deceived by false doctrine and false prophets. (See Matt. 24:24).

In 1995, the LDS Church released "The Family: A Proclamation to the World," setting out succinctly the importance of the traditional family structure and gender roles. In it, "we warn that the disintegration of the family will bring upon individuals, communities, and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets." And so, 20 years later, we see it happening right before our eyes.

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