Tuesday, October 20, 2015

A Quick Run Around the Web -- October 20, 2015

"USS Shaw (DD-373) exploding during the Japanese raid on Pearl Harbor." By an unknown photographer, December 7, 1941

  • Our leadership is delusional. "When Kroft reminded Obama that Putin was bombing his proxies, Obama countered that he was leading on 'climate change'."--from "Vladimir’s Game" by Richard Fernandez (discussing a 60 Minutes interview between Steve Croft and Pres. Obama). Read the whole article, as it moves on to discussing why the elite are so concerned with "climate change" rather than real problems.
  • Our current Middle-East policy, as described by Henry Kissinger: "The U.S. is now opposed to, or at odds in some way or another with, all parties in the region."
  • "The ‘Migrant’ Crisis: Merkel’s Folly, Europe’s Peril"--Michael Walsh. From the article:
... Nationalism is not a dirty word in Hungary.
    That it is elsewhere – in western Europe and, latterly, in the United States – is not the Hungarians’ problem; defending their language, their culture, their language and their way of life is. And this brings into focus the critical aspect of the “migrant” crisis – what is the end game?  Thanks to the human smugglers and the speed of modern communications, “refugees” from as far away as Afghanistan are washing up on the landlocked shores of central Europe – legions of able-bodied young men from the ummah of Islam advancing nearly unopposed into the Dar al-Harb of Christendom.
      And yet this crucial aspect of the crisis has largely gone unremarked, as has the threat to Western values embodied by the “Syrians” and others who have traveled great distances to march with impunity through the undefended internal borders of the European Union and demand – not ask, demand – asylum in the Bundesrepublik as if that were a self-evident right.  That they trek through formerly Islamic lands like Hungary to do so is just another one of history’s little ironies that may eventually be seen as not ironic at all.

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