Monday, February 10, 2014

Civil War in the United States

File:Courbet Fox Caught in a Trap.jpg

J.R. Nyquist has an essay (actually, the 3rd part of series of essays) that discusses a possible civil war in the United States. He writes:
Machiavelli wrote that if princes expect to prosper they must be both lions and foxes. He said they must be lions to drive away the wolves and foxes to avoid traps. But it is rare to find the lion and fox combined in one person. In wealthy, successful societies the elite begins (over time) to consist almost exclusively of foxes. Lions are effectively sidelined as they are perceived as a disruptive influence. Peaceful negotiation becomes the imperative. Fighting and confrontation is seen as negative. The foxes believe their way is best, that all conflicts can be resolved by negotiation and cunning – without the use of force.

... If the elite of America have pushed out the lions, then we will not find our lions in the elite. Our future lions will come from outside the elite; that is to say, from outside the existing power structures. It should also be admitted that these structures are, in the long run, doomed to fall. The elite of any country cannot be fully man without being partly lion. Anyone with sense can see that effeminacy has taken us by the throat. Effeminacy rules from the White House and the board room. The lower classes are free to maintain their manhood, and their brutal lion-like instincts. The elite are not so free. Those who aspire to money or office cannot be men in the full sense; for real men are excluded from the liberal club as they are non-liberal by nature. To further clarify the point, today’s conservatives are themselves merely liberals who are slightly behind-hand. They also avoid the masculine fault (so ascribed): They are in terror of being unmasked as bigots, bloody reactionaries, or homophobes.
There is a psychological angle to all of this. The rising tide of elite effeminacy is like a disease carrying the entire system into dysfunction. As men cultivate their female side women have been cultivating their male side. While men become foxes, the women are free to become lions. This perversion of human nature accelerates the disintegration of family life and leads to pandemic narcissism – a narcissism in which the “projection of the shadow” confronts the passive-aggressive man with the slogan, “I am woman, hear me roar.” This “projection of the [sexual] shadow” is not merely the result of revolutionary politics usurping the place of religion. It is, in its own right, an identity disorder (like feminism and homosexuality) in which the rejection of the true self leads to the passionate embrace of a false self. Here the male projects his anima (female side) and the female projects her animus (male side). This pathology draws the entire culture into a collective madness unequaled in world history. 
The upper and middle class manhood, so essential for the persistence of society, has been thoroughly undermined in the West. This coincides with the phenomenon of the political lioness who, as women, is allowed to say things that would end the career of any man who said the same. ...

... One day, however, everyone will see what has happened. No words will then remain to perpetuate the deception. The bankruptcy of the foxes will herald the return of the lions. Counter-revolution will have its day. The war will come, and the world will be renewed in blood. This is the tragedy of our time. The counter-revolution will occur because counter-revolutionaries yet exist, and the revolution eventually calls them forth.
Regardless of the preparations made by the Communists, I do not know how the socialists will cope with the tomorrow's lions.
 Read his whole article. Also part 1 and part 2 of his series.

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