Saturday, June 2, 2012

Some Free Books From Amazon to Consider (Update)

As many of you know, Amazon has quite a few free books for the Kindle (or computers or smart phones with the Kindle reader). Most of these are out-of-print books, but they also have newer books that are reduced to $0 for a short time as promotions.

I came across a couples in the last couple of days whose topic may be of interest to you. Because of the short time, I haven't read them, so this is no guarantee that they are well written.

1. Personal Health: What You Need to Know from Modern Science, by various authors. This is actually a collection of three books: The Addicted Brain: Why We Abuse Drugs, Alcohol, and Nicotine; Antibiotic Resistance: Understanding and Responding to an Emerging Crisis; and Allies and Enemies: How the World Depends on Bacteria. I downloaded it mostly for the second book, in the hope it will have information about dealing with infections without recourse to standard antibiotics....

2.  Composting Inside & Out by Stephanie Davies. I think the title explains it all.

If you are interested, please hurry. I was going to recommend The First-Timer's Cookbook by Shawn Bucher, which I just downloaded for free last night, and it is already back to being $9.99.


This may be an important issue: Yeast Infection Treatments by Angela Whitfield, also free at the time of this writing from Amazon.

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