Tuesday, June 19, 2012

"Neo-Survivalist" and ""Radical Survivalism" (Updated)

I came across a couple new websites that I wanted to mention. The first is called Neo-Survivalist. It looks like the posting is somewhat sporadic--most are from 2010, and then there is a gap until the first of this year, and then another gap. However, there are some how-to guides and miscellaneous articles.

The second is a webzine called Radical Survivalism. Somewhat similar to what I am attempting to do with my blog, it appears to be a collection of articles or references to articles from around the web on news and ideas related to prepping and survivalism.

I just came across these, so these are just my initial impressions. So check them out yourself.

Updated: Neo-Survivalist moved (or someone started a new blog under the same name at) Blogger.

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